commandante, you faggot, get in here

I don't see why I should have to cool down at all, so don't count on it Will.

Unless of course that's not directed at me, in which case, nevermind.

Oh yeah, and fuck Greece and it's ass-loving inhabitants.
I said I have NO USE FOR COCKSUCKERS LIKE YOURSELF (Greek or otherwise) who make statements supporting the KILLING of AMERICAN MEN & WOMEN
did i ever say that i support the killing of american men & women?
and you accuse me of reading comprehension problems?
relax, dont bail on us, take your prozac and maybe your altzhaimer will be cured!!
there is hope for you sillypants
markgugs said:
I don't see why I should have to cool down at all, so don't count on it Will.

Unless of course that's not directed at me, in which case, nevermind.

it was directed at anyone involved in this stupid argument. why dont you get his phone number and bitch to him that way, instead of eating up Mark's bandwidth with this horseshit

markgugs said:
Oh yeah, and fuck Greece and it's ass-loving inhabitants.

this was mature, wasnt it? far from it... now, show some damn respect to the Greek philosophers who were way smarter than any American. sounds like a feeble attempt to get under a person's skin... when, in fact, may offend more than you can handle
IOfTheStorm said:
did i ever say that i support the killing of american men & women?
I would venture to say that every post you've made in this thread and countless others in various other forums does exactly that: support the killing of American men & women. You've made that very clear.

Now fuck off, thanks.
i think Markgugs has a point though if you look past the vehemence in which he posted. It's not about who's fighting/killing whom or what they do it for. He point was clearly that if you take up arms against your own countrymen that have no choice in what they are doing simply because someone else told them to there is no excuse for it. You could say that the soldiers have a choice yes, and you'd be right but then they would be forsaking the duties which were placed on them by the armed forces and goverment. They fight to liberate Iraq, while apparently Bush and co. have an ulterior motive. So again yes they could abandon their duty but at what cost? Their lives would be ruined more or less because they would be pigeonholed as a non-patriot and their personal lives would suffer for it. Hopefully there is some sense to be had from my typed meandering.:grin:
dead6skin6mask6 said:
it was directed at anyone involved in this stupid argument. why dont you get his phone number and bitch to him that way, instead of eating up Mark's bandwidth with this horseshit
Maybe because this is partially MY forum and I can do whatever the fuck I like, how does that sound? If you don't like, I'm sure I don't need to show you were your "back" button is, or the link out of the forum.

this was mature, wasnt it? far from it... now, show some damn respect to the Greek philosophers who were way smarter than any American. sounds like a feeble attempt to get under a person's skin... when, in fact, may offend more than you can handle
Why? Why should I show anyone from Greece any respect? Do you actually think I truly have a vested interest in what happens in that country? The only time the nation even enters my mind is when assholes from there - amazingly, every single one I've encountered is anti-American and so far to the left I want to vomit - open their fucking mouths about things that have no bearing on them at all. They're like loudmouthed assholes in the stands at sporting events, who scream criticisms from 1,000 feet away.
He point was clearly that if you take up arms against your own countrymen that have no choice in what they are doing simply because someone else told them to there is no excuse for it. You could say that the soldiers have a choice yes, and you'd be right but then they would be forsaking the duties which were placed on them by the armed forces and goverment. They fight to liberate Iraq, while apparently Bush and co. have an ulterior motive. So again yes they could abandon their duty but at what cost?
They are mercenaries, it was their choice to go there. They smelled cash. Thats all.
It is like "would you go kill iraqui children for 3000 dollars per month"?
They dont fight to liberate Iraq, just to make a quiet place for USA to exploit its natural sources. Why do you think american and danish businessmen went there (and were all slaughtered)
Unless you think that freedom is worth the death of thousands Iraquis
I dont think that Iraquis have that opinion
Why do you think that your OPINION holds greater validity than someone else's?

"They are mercenaries, it was their choice to go there. They smelled cash. Thats all." You know this? Amazing. You must have had to interview and collect the results/answers from over 130,000 troops to be so sure of yourself.

"They dont fight to liberate Iraq, just to make a quiet place for USA to exploit its natural sources." Woah, I'm even more impressed! You must have had to be in the warroom and had many private audiences with high-ranking US government officials to know this information! How did you find the time to do that when you were interviewing all those troops at the same time?!


oh and redneck markgugs remember , because of YOUR country's governement, the Olympic Games which happening in MY country , are in danger of a terrorist attack, so stop your stupid "you are greek you dont know a single thing, you should not care etc"
Because of your country's policy the whole world's athletes are in danger in the Olympic Games
and be smart to THANK the Greeks for always having a neutral/good relation with Arabic countries in general, so the terrorist attack has less chances of happening
"They dont fight to liberate Iraq, just to make a quiet place for USA to exploit its natural sources." Woah, I'm even more impressed! You must have had to be in the warroom and had many private audiences with high-ranking US government officials to know this information! How did you find the time to do that when you were interviewing all those troops at the same time?!
ok they are fighting for Life, Health, Peace, Prosperity
which are all triumphing in Iraq right now
you are blind
IOfTheStorm said:
They are mercenaries, it was their choice to go there. They smelled cash. Thats all.
It is like "would you go kill iraqui children for 3000 dollars per month"?
You may want to consider the fact that the US armed forces does not solely comprise of soldiers that have signed up since the Iraq war. You seem to think that people sign up for a war and get shipped over there 2 days later, which is certainly not the case.
Again you display your ignorance.

If you think the Olympic Games are in Greece thanks to their "neutral relationship" with the Middle East, you're a much bigger moron than I gave you credit for. The Olympic Games, like everything else on the global stage, are about economics. The reason they're in Greece? Apparently your shit-ass economy needs a boost, so your mum & poppa can afford some new goats.

And "the world's athletes" have always been under risk of terrorist attack. You make it sound like it's something new due to the war in Iraq. This is why I can't stand liberals. Fucking spin doctors.
Maybe because this is partially MY forum and I can do whatever the fuck I like, how does that sound? If you don't like, I'm sure I don't need to show you were your "back" button is, or the link out of the forum.

dont get snippy with me, you goofy bastard. and yes, show me where my back button is. get on a plane and show me :tickled:
IOfTheStorm said:
They are mercenaries, it was their choice to go there. They smelled cash. Thats all. It is like "would you go kill iraqui children for 3000 dollars per month"?
They do not get paid for doing that specifically. They get paid to be in the armed forces to defend/protect/whatever. Not to specifically ivade Iraq. Most kids these days or in recent times only signed up for the mililtary to receive college funding so they could get an education. Not to risk getting their asses shot off.

IOfTheStorm said:
They dont fight to liberate Iraq, just to make a quiet place for USA to exploit its natural sources. Why do you think american and danish businessmen went there (and were all slaughtered)
Unless you think that freedom is worth the death of thousands Iraquis
I dont think that Iraquis have that opinion
See that's the Ulterior motive i was speaking when i mentioned Bush and co. They let our guys/girls fight and die while the goverment, american or otherwise sweeps in afterward to reap whatever spoils they may. I don't keep up with politics and all that but even to me that situation in self explanatory. Our military serves as the middleman for the goverment's selfish greed. Not too hard to understand man.:Spin: