commandante, you faggot, get in here

Papa Josh said:
Let's get our history correct, you asked me to join. Period. And quite frankly without me the other guys on board, this ship would've sank. If I remember correctly, you couldn't handle the pressure and bowed out... Life got too rough for you or something like that....
Actually, truth be told, I "bowed out" because of the utter bullshit I was dealing with on a daily basis, mainly from YOU. What began as fun had someone transformed into a job, one I didn't really like doing to be honest. That's what happens when you have shitheads for employees. Acting like a jackass with the labels, sending inappropriate emails, questioning every little thing asked of you, it goes on. Yeah, saying "life got too rough for me" was a lot easier than just telling you then that you're a cocksucker. But I'm telling you now. And at the time, those that needed to know it, did so.

NOTE: This is not to say Erik or anyone else was ever a problem to me.

Man, give me a break, I've got a full time job (a very involved one at that), have the most consistent output of anybody on RC, a daughter with another child on the way and still going. So, don't fool yourself.
I never once said anything about your output. Congrats that you are able to do that, work at a movie theater and have a family. That's pretty much par for the course with people I know. I'm sure Ali is reading this and chuckling at your huge sacrifices and really hard work.

Sounds to me like some one envies the fact that I got compensated for being let go unfairly. What's a matter did you try and get turned down? The reason I'm still here is because I have family I love, including ones that I can't just "pack up".... Geez you really are backwoods, huh?
I envy absolutely nothing about you, get that straight. I don't really know what you mean about "trying and getting turned down." For what? So let me understand this: you can't move out of a place you absolutely hate because your entire extended family can't move with you? Ok, I guess, I don't know anything about that, so can't really comment on it.

This shit is petty of you and rather embarassing. I was just PMed by a senior staff of UM praising me for standing up to your rants.
Well la-de-fucking-da. You're quite the superstar for "standing up to me." Christ.

Let's not forget that I had one single source of anger, and you and your liberal buddies have managed to attempt to manipulate that to satisfy your own means and turn this into a liberal vs. conservative debate.


Who's pathetic?
It's still you, unfortunately.
markgugs said:
Actually, truth be told, I "bowed out" because of the utter bullshit I was dealing with on a daily basis, mainly from YOU. What began as fun had someone transformed into a job, one I didn't really like doing to be honest. That's what happens when you have shitheads for employees. Acting like a jackass with the labels, sending inappropriate emails, questioning every little thing asked of you, it goes on. Yeah, saying "life got too rough for me" was a lot easier than just telling you then that you're a cocksucker. But I'm telling you now. And at the time, those that needed to know it, did so.

NOTE: This is not to say Erik or anyone else was ever a problem to me.

I never once said anything about your output. Congrats that you are able to do that, work at a movie theater and have a family. That's pretty much par for the course with people I know. I'm sure Ali is reading this and chuckling at your huge sacrifices and really hard work.

I envy absolutely nothing about you, get that straight. I don't really know what you mean about "trying and getting turned down." For what? So let me understand this: you can't move out of a place you absolutely hate because your entire extended family can't move with you? Ok, I guess, I don't know anything about that, so can't really comment on it.

Well la-de-fucking-da. You're quite the superstar for "standing up to me." Christ.

Let's not forget that I had one single source of anger, and you and your liberal buddies have managed to attempt to manipulate that to satisfy your own means and turn this into a liberal vs. conservative debate.


It's still you, unfortunately.

Inappropriate emails?? You've got me there... Paranoid, perhaps?

And if Ali's laughing at my "sacrifices, and hard work" then I guess that's his perogative. I certainly don't laugh at his.

But I do laugh at your attempts to lay claim to all of the hard work that he, Heather, myself and the others on staff have done since your departure.
No paranoia, I know exactly what was said to me by MULTIPLE label reps about you. I am going to leave it at that.

I didn't say Ali was laughing at you, I don't speak for him. I am saying that just because you write some reviews, have a family and work at a movie theater, don't go looking for a Best Dad award. That is nothing more and nothing less than anyone I know.

I did not claim one single bit of the hard work any of you have done. I've spoken with Ali 100s of times in the past 6 months and given all the credit where its due. Talk about paranoia! Whatever makes you think I have or would even WANT to take any credit for things I haven't done?

Are you stoned right now? Because your train of thought is incredibly non-linear and you've ceased making sense. Every time I make a point, you try to switch gears to something else. And I'M the one being intellectually outmuscled? Because I swear? Ha ha, here's one for you: go fuck yourself.
markgugs said:
No paranoia, I know exactly what was said to me by MULTIPLE label reps about you. I am going to leave it at that.

I didn't say Ali was laughing at you, I don't speak for him. I am saying that just because you write some reviews, have a family and work at a movie theater, don't go looking for a Best Dad award. That is nothing more and nothing less than anyone I know.

I did not claim one single bit of the hard work any of you have done. I've spoken with Ali 100s of times in the past 6 months and given all the credit where its due. Talk about paranoia! Whatever makes you think I have or would even WANT to take any credit for things I haven't done?

Are you stoned right now? Because your train of thought is incredibly non-linear and you've ceased making sense. Every time I make a point, you try to switch gears to something else. And I'M the one being intellectually outmuscled? Because I swear? Ha ha, here's one for you: go fuck yourself.

I could give two shits what a label rep said about me, they are a dime a dozen and quite often float amongst each other in an incestuous relationship with multiple labels. Who cares? I still deal with the very same ones who you refer to, so either they're full of shit to me or to you and either way it's the same results, so I don't know just what exactly you're alluding to since you seem to want to cast this shadow over me here in the forum.

Where did I say I was looking for the best dad award? What are you talking about? This really is getting strange...

My mentioning of my daily grind was just in comparison of yours, which doesn't sound like much of shit....
Papa Josh said:
I could give two shits what a label rep said about me, they are a dime a dozen and quite often float amongst each other in an incestuous relationship with multiple labels. Who cares? I still deal with the very same ones who you refer to, so either they're full of shit to me or to you and either way it's the same results, so I don't know just what exactly you're alluding to since you seem to want to cast this shadow over me here in the forum.

Where did I say I was looking for the best dad award? What are you talking about? This really is getting strange...

My mentioning of my daily grind was just in comparison of yours, which doesn't sound like much of shit....
I'm not casting any shadow at all. You overstepped your bounds on more than one occasion, and I was asked by the reps to please hint to you to keep your fucking mouth shut. No shadow, that's pretty clear and easy to understand, wouldn't you say? I will not give any more facts than that, because these were private emails and I don't really think they were intended to be analyzed to death in a public forum. I've kept it in broad strokes; keep in mind you could have stayed on the simple topic of FOR/AGAINST bringing harm to US troops, but no, you had to get on your fucking soapbox and make it into something it wasn't.

How do you even know what I do all day? Or for a living? Simple answer: you don't. Oh wait, because I'm not married and don't have to raise kids, my life isn't as full and busy as yours? Is that what you're saying?
I have. Not surprised, he's always been someone who just pops in, makes a derogatory comment toward me, and leaves just as quickly.

Besides, his spiritual brothers have taken up his argument. I just don't live near them. You can infer from that what you will.
I don't know. I don't pay attention to the drafts too much. I just watch them during the season. The only sport I follow full-time is baseball, since it's the most interesting.
I've always said, only former baseball players (pro, college, high school) enjoy baseball, as they are the only ones that fully understand all the intricacies that are lost on non-baseball players. It's sounds arrogant, but it's true.

I find basketball boring as hell, just like hockey and soccer. Up and down the field/court/ice trying to score. Same thing over and over again. But I'm sure there is more to it.

I like watching football, college and pro.

And no, little league doesn't count.
dill_the_devil said:
Baseball brings people together, it seems...
Are you kidding me? I thought that was the lowest sinking point of the entire thread. :loco:

Seriously though peeps, why turn this thread into a baseball discussion. Either let it sink, or let commandante have his say and be done with it. Let's not let this bad blooded thread hover over a baseball chat, you know what I'm sayin'?