commandante, you faggot, get in here

markgugs said:
I'm not casting any shadow at all. You overstepped your bounds on more than one occasion, and I was asked by the reps to please hint to you to keep your fucking mouth shut. No shadow, that's pretty clear and easy to understand, wouldn't you say? I will not give any more facts than that, because these were private emails and I don't really think they were intended to be analyzed to death in a public forum. I've kept it in broad strokes; keep in mind you could have stayed on the simple topic of FOR/AGAINST bringing harm to US troops, but no, you had to get on your fucking soapbox and make it into something it wasn't.

How do you even know what I do all day? Or for a living? Simple answer: you don't. Oh wait, because I'm not married and don't have to raise kids, my life isn't as full and busy as yours? Is that what you're saying?

I would like to know just who claims I overstepped my bounds and in what situation. But you're too much of a pussy to just speak up and prefer to say things like "I will not give any more facts than that..." The fact is that you felt I was stepping on your toes by going to friends at labels that I had established relationships with from way back...

What's a matter, did you feel threatened? Oh, I'm sorry, not big bad markgugs, he's American to the core, don't say anything he may disagree with or he may just get on a plane and come fight you...

Tough guy...

And to answer your last paragraph, I don't know what you do all day. Sounds like you sit around, feel sorry for yourself cause you can't find a job and spout off hatred to non-American cultures. :Smug:
So first of all asshole eventhough I live in the USA and NYC I am not an American and I am a Muslim. I would LOVE to kill Americans like YOU in a war setting, especially in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. If I am to use your own fucking logic with your own words: YOU DON'T LIVE THERE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP! You don't have to go all the way down to Iraq to fight Muslims we have a plenty here. For a good old asskick come to 116 st. and Broadway and before that PM me for my number. If you are MAN enough as you are talking about you will do this if you are not shut up and get over it.
And it is pretty lame to blame people of being a pussy just because they don't answer your thread right away. This is a bulletin-board asshole, not chat. People have daily lives you know?
Egads this is ridiculous. I hate to see idealogical battles led by brute force, but I guess that's what war is all about anyhow, right? :Spin:
Papa Josh said:
I would like to know just who claims I overstepped my bounds and in what situation. But you're too much of a pussy to just speak up and prefer to say things like "I will not give any more facts than that..." The fact is that you felt I was stepping on your toes by going to friends at labels that I had established relationships with from way back...
You're a fucking jackass, you know that? I won't be goaded into naming label names in this forum. Seriously, stop smoking weed you fucking inbred, you're displaying more and more ignorance as the days go by. Didn't you know that too much weed intake is BAD for your sperm? Sure hope you don't wind up with retarded kids there bub. Then again, the likelihood of that might not have anything to do with weed.

What's a matter, did you feel threatened? Oh, I'm sorry, not big bad markgugs, he's American to the core, don't say anything he may disagree with or he may just get on a plane and come fight you...
Threatened? By you? Bwahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahaha. That's the funniest fucking thing I've EVER read, and that's saying something. What's funnier is the ridiculous horseshit you post in every single post you make. I thought you were busy serving popcorn at a movie theater, writing English thesis statements for the 'zine, and raising a child or something? It sure seems to me like you have plenty of free time. Could it be that *gasp* it's not that hard to work at A MOVIE THEATER?!

Please point out to where I threatened to get on a plane. I'm dying to see it. Please point out where I threatened anyone for that matter, besides that anal probing commandante. Right, you can't. Josh, do yourself a favor, keep the fuck out of things from here on in. I'm not going to bother responding to you, so really, just piss off.

And to answer your last paragraph, I don't know what you do all day. Sounds like you sit around, feel sorry for yourself cause you can't find a job and spout off hatred to non-American cultures. :Smug:
Now you really are a fucking dumb motherfucker. I'll just leave it at that. I got a job 5 weeks ago moron, a REAL job. You know, one that required a college education and strong resume to be able to get. I didn't fill out an application, so I understand if you can't connect with that. So don't fucking talk to me about being busy, or having responsibility.
commandante said:
So first of all asshole eventhough I live in the USA and NYC I am not an American and I am a Muslim. I would LOVE to kill Americans like YOU in a war setting, especially in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. If I am to use your own fucking logic with your own words: YOU DON'T LIVE THERE SO SHUT THE FUCK UP! You don't have to go all the way down to Iraq to fight Muslims we have a plenty here. For a good old asskick come to 116 st. and Broadway and before that PM me for my number. If you are MAN enough as you are talking about you will do this if you are not shut up and get over it.
Right, I'm going to waltz into Harlem where the rest of your dirty sockheads can lie in wait.

I'll be at Iced Earth on Thursday night, and I'll be going by myself --> - by all means, get in touch.
IOfTheStorm said:
I bet 10 $ on commandate
You should come live here with him then, if you want to suck his dick that much. You can be his little bitch. Come live here, where we'll welcome you with open arms so that you can have the freedom to say that you'd like to go to war against those that have welcomed you. What's with the gigantic Greek chip on your shoulder towards us anyway? Mad that Iced Earth released a cd about a pivotal point in U.S. history?
I was making a joke but as i see you are stupid enough to take it seriously and be a markgugs part 2 (so i can assume like you, that you want to suck his cock and be his little bitch). Generally be thankfull to europeans coming to usa, for building your country you mixture of french/english/duch cum.
and choke
Int said:
And I thought that everybody here at Royal Carnage were nice, cool people? :/
Define nice, cool people. Getting angry at someone for saying he wishes he could take up arms against the very people that have welcomed him into their country, and also getting angry at someone who says our soldiers are simply merceneries that have nothing but selfish motives at heart?
IOfTheStorm said:
I was making a joke but as i see you are stupid enough to take it seriously and be a markgugs part 2 (so i can assume like you, that you want to suck his cock and be his little bitch). Generally be thankfull to europeans coming to usa, for building your country you mixture of french/english/duch cum.
and choke
Now why would someone think you were "making a joke" after all the shit you've spewed forth in this thread, huh? You're the idiot.
IOfTheStorm said:
Because he is like you
I dont even believe that these two guys are gonna meet and fight, and my comment was supposed to be not taken seriously
Oh, I see, he is like me. Great point. "Let's get on someone's back because they're an idiot for supporting the U.S troops. Let's show that person how much of an idiot they are, and then go and stereotype anyone that thinks like he does, in addition to stereotyping an entire legion of armed forces because we disagree with the politics of the gov't of the country they are fighting for."

Your comment about the "fight" may not been meant to be taken seriously, but your other thoughts in this thread obviously were.