commandante, you faggot, get in here

Dark One said:
But I meant for someone who feels soooooooooooo damn strongly about it, and is sooooooooo overly negative time and time and time and time again,
not necessarily. so he feels strongly about the many problems this country has... it doesn't make him any less of a patriot.

Dark One said:
and also admits that they would fight alongside of others against our own country. When someone feels THAT strongly about it, they should get out.
i agree with this.

Let me get this straight. You have been in America for about a year, yes? You are already "disgusted" and you have stated that you'd have no problem going to Iraq or Afghanistan and fight against Americans, yes? You are getting a "free education" from the country that you are "disgusted" with, yes?

So basically you are a hypocrite. If you're so disgusted with America, why don't you leave? Oh that's right, because then you'd be walking away from a free handout that this country is giving you. Why don't you go fight with your "brothers" abroad and try and kill Americans? Oh that's right, you'd rather take the free education that America is providing. Do you deny any of this? Just curious.

Originally Posted by Dark One
But I meant for someone who feels soooooooooooo damn strongly about it, and is sooooooooo overly negative time and time and time and time again,

not necessarily. so he feels strongly about the many problems this country has... it doesn't make him any less of a patriot.

Originally Posted by Dark One
and also admits that they would fight alongside of others against our own country. When someone feels THAT strongly about it, they should get out.

i agree with this.

Actually, I was trying to combine each of these concepts, that's why I wrote "and" and not "or". I basically meant that if all of these elements existed together, then there's no reason to want to stay. But that's cool, yes, you're right, by themselves the first part of what I wrote shouldn't solely be grounds for getting out
No, I will be just so much stronger and so much more of use for the fight after graduating.

Next, please...
commandante said:
I am studying Politics and History.
Surely not from an American perspective?

History that they teach in our schools is perpetually flawed, rewritten and most definitely biased.

In relation to all of the bickering here in the last 24 hours, I'd say let me sum up my entire point in one post in defending commandante.

Think about it if a huge army of Iraqis invaded our land, bombing Washington, destroying the white house, attempting to out and out kill Bush, wouldn't you want to kill and fight them to the death?

Well, then why is it bad for someone from the invaded territroy to feel angered by our unprompted invasion and hostile take over?

For parallels in our American history, just take a look and see how "good, christian Americans" treated the Indians. Killed them, took their land and resources and tradition carries on today.
commandante said:
Nope. I would rather take the free education and continue bitching and whining. Thanks for the advice though...
Jesus, I hope that was laden with sarcasm. Mind you, even if that's the case, everything else you've said shows you're a fucking scab. We get plenty of bastards like you over here coming on the scab, same fuckers who go preaching in mosques about how they wanna blow us up, and go making bombs in their London apartments. Fucking precious how people like you can't get enough of us and can't stop swarming to the same place they wanna blow up...

Fuck you, you scab. You need your fucking head kicked in. Hopefully there's some skinheads knocking around the area that can smack your ungrateful little face to shit. Damn pity I'm over an ocean and can't do it myself. I'm sick of hearing about scabs like you. Fuck you. Fuck off and go home.
Why don't you be the skinhead and try to do same thing to my brothers over there in Britain if there are actually people like me over there? Oh yeah, I forgot you are a Brit and worst case in scenario an Englishman. All you have did throughout the centuries is talking and talking and TALKING. How about we see some action? Why don't you try to stop them before they blow up your house? Because you know what, maybe you are late already. We are coming for you...
undefinedundefinedundefinedYo cock breath Just above Ayekas post, WTF r u on bout man, if a load of Iraqi's invaded America and tried to kill bush no one would give a shit, cos bush is a fucking idiot! heres a few of his fuck ups "nowadays most of our imports come from overseas" NO SHIT SHERLOCK THATS WOT AN IMPORT IS. And as for wot ayeka said, i fucking agree, U come over here and enjoy everything we have whilst plotting to blow it all up cos of unfair western opression in the middle east, tell u wot, if its so fucking unfair in the west, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE!? get the fuck out if thats how u feel.
Papa Josh said:
Surely not from an American perspective?

History that they teach in our schools is perpetually flawed, rewritten and most definitely biased.
From an American perspective indeed. For me it is extremely important to be able to experience and investigate the mindset you are trying to fight against. Because having this experience actually allows me to see everything from a whole different perspective, while fueling the hatred inside me. I am in the USA, because this is where it can be done most effectively. I wasn't hating the American government this much before coming here. I am thankful that Allah allowed me to reach this new level.
Yeah ur gonna be thankful allah allowed u to reach it when the next load of terrorists bomb the USA and then all the americans who live near ya r gonna want to kick ur fuckin face in
I'm starting to wonder if this is all a big joke, although every time I start to laugh I feel itchy, so maybe it's not funny after all.

Also, WOT = wide open throttle, so Pacifist in Training, WOT the fuck are you babbling about?
commandante said:
Why don't you be the skinhead and try to do same thing to my brothers over there in Britain if there are actually people like me over there? Oh yeah, I forgot you are a Brit and worst case in scenario an Englishman. All you have did throughout the centuries is talking and talking and TALKING. How about we see some action? Why don't you try to stop them before they blow up your house? Because you know what, maybe you are late already. We are coming for you...
hmmm..... question for you, seeing as how you're blatantly anti-american and don't like any americans simply because they were born here or moved here and obtained legal rights to citizenship. From your statements, arguements, whatever you wish to call them you don't have any friends because they would be american and you hate americans. fine so be it, but seeing as how you view certain aspects of american culture, politics and so on.. is it safe to assume that the institution you attend as well as those people you must interact with are completely oblivious to your views? it would seem so, that or you're using the current events and your religious beliefs/upbringing to fuel an anger that needs none just for self satisfaction? either way, it seems ridiculous and that you will end up being just as you accuse Ayeka, all talk, no action once your education is done unless you have some grand plans to be the next bin laden? enlighten us if you would rather than incessantly poking an open wound and spewing hate. can you do that... oh, and if you do, please don't omit or overlook any part i have addressed if you are how you portray yourself to be. i don't like you sure, but i think you have given about 90% of the forum reason enough for your dislike.
haha man, thanks... i hate getting into these types of things though, while i'm certainly competent i don't come here to do that. i just wanna have fun dammit. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FU-UUUNNNN.

(oh and no i'm not a girl so:loco: )