I don't think he's whining, he brings a very valid point.
And for the record Miss 'Gugs, just because one possesses a college degree doesn't make your job, that you "didn't have to apply for" any more important or more difficult. People like you never will get it. You think you lay claim to or own the land you walk on by calling it America. A land built on the backs of slaves, immigrants and colonists. Last I checked, you didn't know any of those people. You're as bad as the idiots that beg for resititution for crimes committed over the last couple hundred years.
And you call me inbred? Please, everytime you open your mouth you prove that just like driver's licenses, some should not be given a degrees as it only continues to fool the individual into actually believing they have a grasp on understanding....
Markgags said:
I won't be goaded into naming label names in this forum. Seriously, stop smoking weed you fucking inbred, you're displaying more and more ignorance as the days go by. Didn't you know that too much weed intake is BAD for your sperm? Sure hope you don't wind up with retarded kids there bub. Then again, the likelihood of that might not have anything to do with weed.
Not all people at the Royal Carnage forum are cool people for the record....This is the forum mind you, and note the site. See how this person feels the need to insult people's families when he can't put up or shut the fuck up.
Markgags said:
I thought you were busy serving popcorn at a movie theater, writing English thesis statements for the 'zine, and raising a child or something? It sure seems to me like you have plenty of free time. Could it be that *gasp* it's not that hard to work at A MOVIE THEATER?!
Dude, let's see, I get paid to sit in my office, listen to metal, deal with newspapers, radio, tv, magazines, go out in my car during the day when it's nice, etc., etc. So, no, my job ain't bad and I ain't bitching. I don't have plenty of time, I just know how to task myself.
Markgags said:
Please point out to where I threatened to get on a plane. I'm dying to see it. Please point out where I threatened anyone for that matter, besides that anal probing commandante. Right, you can't. Josh, do yourself a favor, keep the fuck out of things from here on in. I'm not going to bother responding to you, so really, just piss off.
I didn't say that you said it. I said it. See that is where you are an idiot, you don't read what's there; you read what you want to see.... The fact that you're posting on this board for someone to meet you at the Iced Earth show to fight is incredibly juvenile, elementary even. The fact that you call a culture of people "sockheads," is very telling. C'mon, tell us more about how you really feel.... Why don't you start talking about blacks, latinos and asians?
Markgags said:
Now you really are a fucking dumb motherfucker. I'll just leave it at that. I got a job 5 weeks ago moron, a REAL job. You know, one that required a college education and strong resume to be able to get. I didn't fill out an application, so I understand if you can't connect with that. So don't fucking talk to me about being busy, or having responsibility.
I just had to look at that quote one more time.

I didn't fill out an app either, I talked, and was hired. Geee, I didn't have to waste time learning shit in school that has no bearing on the outcome of my life!!!! Yay!!!!!