
Saw the Melvins the past 2 nights in Boston, awesome shows.
All you lucky bastards getting to see one band after another. I am from Nepal, it's a small country No one ever comes here. There aren't any good local bands in here on top of that there aren't even any listeners. I feel like I was born in wrong side of the earth :(
Well, Bryan Adams was here on February but that's the only International artist ever to have performed in Nepal and I went :P
Yeah I ended up getting a ticket last night, since it will sell out and they rarely tour the US.

Seeing A Perfect Circle tonight for the first time, can't wait.
I saw A Perfect Circle as well in Los Angeles last Thursday. Plus I saw Dredg with Fair to Midland in Las Vegas last Saturday night, actually technically Sunday morning since the show started after midnight.
A few of us traveled up to New York Friday, stayed overnight and went to the Philadelphia show as well to see God Is An Astronaut. Initially we were only going to the Philadelphia show because of the shorter distance, but we decided to just do the New York show as well.

I am so happy we did that because the New York show blew the Philly show out of the water as far as crowd reaction. The place was packed and the crowd had a ton of energy. The only odd part about it was there was a mosh pit, ha. They said they were going to play Suicide By Star and people started moshing straight away during the calm bit. Anyways, there was movement by the crowd all night and it was great to see because I hate nothing more than to see a motionless crowd, especially when the band is going crazy the whole show. I have actually seen less energy from most metal bands compared to God Is An Astronaut.

The band was fantastic both nights, but the Philly crowd was for the most part fairly standstill. I think people slowly started showing more enthusiasm, but the balcony seemed to have been just standing there most of the time until towards the end of the show. The band definitely picks the best tracks as far as energy is concerned. Seeing them live is a completely different experience than just listening to an album.

I was a little bit surprised that they only played for slightly over an hour. I thought they could easily play a two hour set. They also did not play anything from Far From Refuge which is probably my favourite album by them. Oh well, the shows were great and I cannot wait to see them again!
One month ago I went to the Fortarock festival, a really great fest in the Netherlands. It was my first time at this festival and for sure, not the last one! I've seen great bands I actually like (Immortal, Dark Tranquillity, Arch Enemy) and discovered some (Ghost, Valient Thorr and Kvelertak) Paradise Lost was just pure shit :) (really)
Nice place, good organisation...kind of perfect festival !
I was a little bit surprised that they only played for slightly over an hour. I thought they could easily play a two hour set. They also did not play anything from Far From Refuge which is probably my favourite album by them.
Yeah they played maybe 80 minutes in Cambridge, still can't complain though since they were really good. I still need to pick up Far From Refuge, as it's the only album by them that I don't have.

and discovered some (Ghost, Valient Thorr and Kvelertak)
I saw Kvelertak open for Weedeater back in March and thought they were really really good live. Had never listened to them prior.