
Saw Anathema in Barcelona last weekend, one of the best shows I've seen. Support bands were really good, and Anathema played over 2 hours including the new album entirely, and every single song you could wish for. As an encore, Danny did Are You There in solo, they played one last goodbye and ended with Fragile Dreams, with the guys from the support bands onstage singing and having fun. It was awesome.

Funny story, me and the wife were walking the street looking for the venue and she says "ask those guys, they look like they know where it is" and no shit they knew, they were Vince and Les. So I stopped them to ask them where the venue was haha
Anathema are easlily the best live band Ive ever seen, they are full of such passion and love for the music. They give 1000% for every song. I think Danny said that if Porcupine Tree ever do a US tour that coincided with Anathema doing nothing then they would be the support for that tour.

But I think you yanks should come over for some shows, you'l be blown away I promise.
Anathema are easlily the best live band Ive ever seen, they are full of such passion and love for the music. They give 1000% for every song. I think Danny said that if Porcupine Tree ever do a US tour that coincided with Anathema doing nothing then they would be the support for that tour.

But I think you yanks should come over for some shows, you'l be blown away I promise.

couldn't agree more with this
Yeah dawg. I bought my plane/show tickets, so this is happening. Please warn all of your friends who may be allergic to 69ing to stay in that weekend.

Also, I'll be in Cork for 2 days, so if you could suggest any places where the patrons appreciate a good 69, please do tell.

I live in Cork dude!!!!!!!!!! :rock:
When Paradise Lost released both ''Icon'' and ''Draconian times'' played in my city, Florence.
Would be great attending the next mini tour anyway. Hope they'll add some more dates.

Saw Amorphis last Friday nite, together with Orphaned Land.
Unfortunately when I reached the club, the opening act Ghost Brigade was playing the last song.

Sky is mine
From the heaven of my heart
The smoke
Better unborn
Ssong of the troubled one
Exile of the sons of Uisliu
Silent waters
My sun
Silver bride
Black winter day
Intro - Tales from the thousand lakes
Into hiding
House of sleep
My Kantele

... only one hour and 15-20 minutes, that's not so much for me, 'coz I hadn't been attending a gig since 2003 - the last European tour with Pasi Koskinen, when 'Far from the sun' was released - that's not such a good record in my opinion. So, first time with the 'new' vocalist Tomi Joutsen, who was a real animal on stage. And sounds were very good.
Yeah, it's a pity they didn't play so many old songs from ''Tales...'' or ''Elegy'', that are my fave records, as well as ''Tuonela'' - neither one only song - but was a memorable show and Esa, Tomi, Niclas and Santeri were also very nice with kids after the show, talking with everybody and taking photos. Can't say the same about Joutsen and Ian.

P.S. I've been told from Santeri that Amorphis is gonna play a few Finnish dates with both Joutsen and Koskinen performing vocals!!! I'd like to be there!!!
I didn't know Paradise Lost were playing Draconian Times in it's entirety on a short tour next year, that would be cool to see.

You wont miss much, PL have been awful live for years now, Im going to go but if they dont pull out a good performance I dont think I'll be going to see them again.
I've heard that they're not as good live anymore but I've never seen them so I'd definitely catch them live if that tour was enar me.

Its just so apathetic, epsecially NH, he is just the standard old musician who cant be arsed but knows he has to do this to make some money. He really lets the rest of the other guys down, which is such a shame as their last album was great.
Amazing Anathema show in London last night, somehow they keep managing to up every performance Ive seen them do. Thier first sold out London show and everyone there was pumped for it, it was so loud when people were signing to One Last Goodbye and Wish You Were Here. Managed to get a set list, lol but they were making it up as they were going along for the most part. When they went off most of the people stayed behind, must of been at least 10 mins of clapping and cheering, me and a few others were at the front beckoning Danny and the others when they kept poking their heads out of the side door, I think they nearly came one for a moment, no-one was dismantling the stuff and it looked like the guys were concidering it back stage but I guess 11pm curfew means just that, shame as I wanted it to go on for so much longer lol. Was easily the best 2 hours of my life, no-one and I mean no-one plays live like Anathema.
Amazing Anathema show in London last night, somehow they keep managing to up every performance Ive seen them do. Thier first sold out London show and everyone there was pumped for it, it was so loud when people were signing to One Last Goodbye and Wish You Were Here. Managed to get a set list, lol but they were making it up as they were going along for the most part. When they went off most of the people stayed behind, must of been at least 10 mins of clapping and cheering, me and a few others were at the front beckoning Danny and the others when they kept poking their heads out of the side door, I think they nearly came one for a moment, no-one was dismantling the stuff and it looked like the guys were concidering it back stage but I guess 11pm curfew means just that, shame as I wanted it to go on for so much longer lol. Was easily the best 2 hours of my life, no-one and I mean no-one plays live like Anathema.

Yeah, they were amazing when I saw them in Cork and Dublin in December. I showed up fucking piss drunk at the Cork show after 24 hours of travel (I'd drunk a whole bottle of Jameson throughout the day... traveling internationally alone when it's cold and dark is less fun and more depressing than I thought it'd be), and somehow managed to talk my way into the soundcheck... it was fucking amazing! The venue they played at was tiny and intimate, too... maybe about 150-200 people there. It was a crazy time, I almost got kicked out several times for being too enthusiastically crunk... that guys in Anathema were into it (they even dedicated "Lost Control" to me at both gigs, and made a comment during "Destiny is Dead" about how well I'd danced to it the night before!), but the venue guys certainly were not. I had to talk my way out of not getting thrown out several times! I was pretty taken by how much more reserved everyone was there, and it sort of had me out of my element. I met a handful of Polish dudes there that were as gung-ho about it as I was, at least.

I showed up the second night in Dublin sober, and I think the Anathema guys appreciated that, haha. I wound up getting out of Ireland just before a crippling snowstorm shut the country down for several days. CRUNK TIMES.

Moral of the story: Anathema are the best live band ever, and one should see them at least once at all costs. The more I listen to "We're Here Because We're Here," the more I'm convinced that it is an absolute masterpiece for the ages. The band conveys emotions more intensely through music than I think most people are even able to feel, and they're always so genuine about it all.


Me and Danny before the Cork gig (my coffee cup was full of Jameson):

Anathema Soundcheck:

Partying with my dawg Vincent O'Byrne, one of Ireland's greatest artist (he did the Riverdance posteers!) at his crip at 4am before heading to the airport:
Amazing Anathema show in London last night, somehow they keep managing to up every performance Ive seen them do. Thier first sold out London show and everyone there was pumped for it, it was so loud when people were signing to One Last Goodbye and Wish You Were Here. Managed to get a set list, lol but they were making it up as they were going along for the most part. When they went off most of the people stayed behind, must of been at least 10 mins of clapping and cheering, me and a few others were at the front beckoning Danny and the others when they kept poking their heads out of the side door, I think they nearly came one for a moment, no-one was dismantling the stuff and it looked like the guys were concidering it back stage but I guess 11pm curfew means just that, shame as I wanted it to go on for so much longer lol. Was easily the best 2 hours of my life, no-one and I mean no-one plays live like Anathema.

Yeah, they were amazing when I saw them in Cork and Dublin in December. I showed up fucking piss drunk at the Cork show after 24 hours of travel (I'd drunk a whole bottle of Jameson throughout the day... traveling internationally alone when it's cold and dark is less fun and more depressing than I thought it'd be), and somehow managed to talk my way into the soundcheck... it was fucking amazing! The venue they played at was tiny and intimate, too... maybe about 150-200 people there. It was a crazy time, I almost got kicked out several times for being too enthusiastically crunk... that guys in Anathema were into it (they even dedicated "Lost Control" to me at both gigs, and made a comment during "Destiny is Dead" about how well I'd danced to it the night before!), but the venue guys certainly were not. I had to talk my way out of not getting thrown out several times! I was pretty taken by how much more reserved everyone was there, and it sort of had me out of my element. I met a handful of Polish dudes there that were as gung-ho about it as I was, at least.

I showed up the second night in Dublin sober, and I think the Anathema guys appreciated that, haha. I wound up getting out of Ireland just before a crippling snowstorm shut the country down for several days. CRUNK TIMES.

Moral of the story: Anathema are the best live band ever, and one should see them at least once at all costs. The more I listen to "We're Here Because We're Here," the more I'm convinced that it is an absolute masterpiece for the ages. The band conveys emotions more intensely through music than I think most people are even able to feel, and they're always so genuine about it all.


Me and Danny before the Cork gig (my coffee cup was full of Jameson):

Anathema Soundcheck:

Partying with my dawg Vincent O'Byrne, one of Ireland's greatest artist (he did the Riverdance posters!) at his crib at 4am before heading to the airport:
