Conerts, Higher Prices, longer sets?


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
Would any of you be willing to pay almost double for an Opeth concert, or any concert really, to have twice as long of sets. I mean Opeth's song are long, so you only get to hear 9 songs in concert, i myself would gladly pay double to hear at least 15 songs, i know that's alot, but the band could take longer intermissions so they could play without getting cramps and shit. Fuck opening bands....I'd rather this happen...your thoughts?
to be honest, i don't like when bands play for like 3 fucking hours (i.e. Iced Earth). on the other hand, i'm pissed when bands play like 4 songs. i think the length of opeth's sets now (like 8 or 9 songs) is good. i wouldn't really be down with paying double the price to see any bands play double the set.
personally, id pay regular "concert" prices for an opeth show as it is...i enjoy the band that to double the set would only make me happier. i dont go to shows much anymore, so when Opeth is in town...its the highlight of my year.
I'd be willing to pay more to see Opeth even if they did keep the same set length. Last time they were in the UK i went to as many dates as i could get to.
As for support bands........ The shepherd's bush gig was very good even if it seem abit odd not having a support but it made it all the better.
I would pay double if it meant shitheads like Devildriver would be out of the picture and that Opeth would take the extra time to play older material.
yeah, wasn't devildriver totally lame, Mikael said he thought they were heavy as fuck and he liked them, but I dont' care I think they sucked ass!
Not that it has much to do with concert prices, but I didn't really want to start a new thread...

Anyone know or have statistics of Opeth's album sales, for each album? I'm just interested to know how each album sold in comparison to their others. The only things I do know are that BWP outsold Still Life by 400% (according to Mikael) and that Damnation actually cracked the U.S. billboard 200 charts...
Well, I have a video where Opeth played only 5 songs in their tour with Nevermore. To be honest, I didn't like Opeth only played for 45 minutes, perhaps that tour was only a small part of the main one...I don't know. But if I had been there, I'd have bothered a bit, seriously.

I wouldn't pay double for double time. For me 90 minutes to two hours is okay. I suppose I couldn't concentrate so much on the music after that time.