Console video games.


Oblique and Nebulous
Nov 1, 2005
Lakewood, CO
I don't own XBOXs of any sort, because they suck. That's not my point though. I own a PS2 and a Gamecube. There has not been one game that has come out lately that I have been mildly interested in. I play mostly RPGs but some survival horror and action/adventure as well. Does anyone have any recommendations? I last played Dragon Quest 8 and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance which were both terribly mediocre and now I'm working on Shadow of the Colossus. I have $50 put away and there is nothing that attracts my eye, at least nothing I know about. Help me!!!!111111
Resident Evil 4 is an absolute necessity. One of the best games I have ever played. Mixes survival horror, action, and even some RPG elements perfectly. And you wouldn't have to spend all 50 bucks either, because when I got it brand new it was 40, so you might be able to get it for less than that. If you're the only person on the planet that hasn't played Final Fantasy 7 then you NEED to check that out, best RPG ever in my opinion. I mainly play games on my Xbox because my PS2 gets owned by disc read errors all the time, so I'm not totally up on new PS2 games.
RPG's? Final Fantasy 3/6. The graphics may suck, but i've been playing that game since I was 6 and i'm 20 now. The Parasite Eve games were both very good.. Uh.. Silent Hill is absolutely killer aswell. Resident Evil 4 was actually very good aswell.
I was looking more for new games. I have played RE4, all the FFs, all the Silent Hills, etc.

And I don't play stupid games like Guitar Hero. I play serious games, mostly ones with fantastic storylines, although some action/adventure games don't need good storylines to impress me.
average stalker said:
the new tomb raider game is very fun, but it's easy and short. i beat the game in 8 hours so i'd suggest renting it.

Yeah, maybe I'll rent it. Short games are one of my biggest annoyances.

And that fucking Morrowind game is not a console game, and when it is out for console, it's on the shitty XBOX. That's off-topic LOL.
first, he says xbox sucks, then he says no game on ps2 and gamecube really interested him recently. Contradict much?
A Trace Of Blood said:
I've got a shitty little laptop and no money.

sell your ps2 and gamecube and you can have more money. then buy an xbox 360 or new pc. still need to sell my xbox to gamestop so i can make more money to be able to afford a car by the time i'm 50.
A Trace Of Blood said:
I was looking more for new games. I have played RE4, all the FFs, all the Silent Hills, etc.

And I don't play stupid games like Guitar Hero. I play serious games, mostly ones with fantastic storylines, although some action/adventure games don't need good storylines to impress me.

Oh no you didn't, you son of a bitch. You want to start something? You want to start something? IT'S ON! If you like fighters at all, Guilty Gear will take up plenty of your time, plus all of the music references will blow your mind, and the story is actually very involved. It definitely has the best story out of any fighter. Moving on, if you are enjoying Shadow of the Colossus as much as I did, then once you beat it, check out Ico. It's by the same game designers and is quite a joy to play. The controls are the only thing that I have a problem with, but the puzzles will keep you busy for some time. As far as RPGs go, I can't think of any outstanding recent ones for the console. Oblivion is pretty much the best one that I can think of, but you'll have to update your PS2 to a PC. However, if you haven't played Xenosaga, do it. You'll love it. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is the same way. Oh, and a recent RPG just popped into my head for the PS2: Kingdom Hearts 2. I hear it is better than the first, and it has a Pirates of the Carribean level and a Tron level. From what I have seen, it appears very nifty. Hmm...I'll continue to try and think of more. Good luck.
meh, I own a xbox, I don't play it anymore because of WoW, but I got at least 25 games on it (no burned copies). Gamecube? Meh, their marketing target are children, I'll just pass. PS2 is alright, but the graphics are kinda bad on it
Enemy242 said:
sell your ps2 and gamecube and you can have more money. then buy an xbox 360 or new pc. still need to sell my xbox to gamestop so i can make more money to be able to afford a car by the time i'm 50.

I urge you to not buy a 360. Why? Okay, you've got Too Human coming out pretty soon and Halo 3 some time next year. WOO! Two games!
Lord of Metal said:
Oh no you didn't, you son of a bitch. You want to start something? You want to start something? IT'S ON! If you like fighters at all, Guilty Gear will take up plenty of your time, plus all of the music references will blow your mind, and the story is actually very involved. It definitely has the best story out of any fighter. Moving on, if you are enjoying Shadow of the Colossus as much as I did, then once you beat it, check out Ico. It's by the same game designers and is quite a joy to play. The controls are the only thing that I have a problem with, but the puzzles will keep you busy for some time. As far as RPGs go, I can't think of any outstanding recent ones for the console. Oblivion is pretty much the best one that I can think of, but you'll have to update your PS2 to a PC. However, if you haven't played Xenosaga, do it. You'll love it. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time is the same way. Oh, and a recent RPG just popped into my head for the PS2: Kingdom Hearts 2. I hear it is better than the first, and it has a Pirates of the Carribean level and a Tron level. From what I have seen, it appears very nifty. Hmm...I'll continue to try and think of more. Good luck.

Yeah, I've played Ico. That's why I knew it was safe to buy Shadow of the Colossus. I did not enjoy Star Ocean. It was good until I realized the entire first half of the game was filler, and the second was a Matrix rip-off, totally un-epic fighting a stupid human being as the final enemy. I played the first Xenosaga game but the second is supposed to be incredibly short and too difficult for the effort. I'm still contemplating Kingdom Hearts 2. Yeah, XBOX is totally worthless, I'll take the other two systems thank you very much.
AsModEe said:
meh, I own a xbox, I don't play it anymore because of WoW, but I got at least 25 games on it (no burned copies). Gamecube? Meh, their marketing target are children, I'll just pass. PS2 is alright, but the graphics are kinda bad on it

Who the fuck cares about the graphics? Jeez, you superficial bastard. :loco: