Video Games anyone?

Erik said:
Why? Anything newer than VI is just polygon-based eyecandy bullshit. My rule of thumb is if it ain't 2D it's crap.
What a load of bull! Final Fantasy 7 and 9 are totally the best in the series! They got everything and then some :cool:

My fondest flight sim memory is holding an uzi BB gun to my mate's head while he crashed a 747 into a few assorted skyscrapers...felt a mild pang of guilt when 9/11 happened and I remembered that a few weeks later, that kind of "oo-er" feeling ^_^
A-10 Cuba was great for that as well. I liked doing the landing mission, taking the plane off autopilot and stabalising it, then waiting for the two friendly planes to get in front of you and then shoot them with a cannon and watching bits fall off :D or sitting by the runway on a different mission and waiting for the ambulance plane and one or two others to land and firing missiles at 'em as they came down :D or flying low over planes at the airport I just took off from and trying to drop bombs on them :D or doing Stuka-style divebombs on boats :D man, can't believe my mate flogged that game!
Jaykeeley said:
We spent practically our whole last year at university playing "Star Wars: X Wing Fighter" on the PC. I even won the Correlian Crescent for destroying more than 40 Tie Fighters in a single tour of duty.:)
That was a funny year. The great thing about X-Wing was the sheer number of keys to play the damn thing. It just adds more fun when you have someone controlling the game (joystick) and your mate controls the NavCon. That is one great game.

I am so out of touch with the game scene which is a shame as I would love to play Medal of Honour on the PS2. Unreal Tournament (as Jaykeeley mentioned) is a complete blast to play especially when you download levels that other fans have created.

The best game to date that I have played is Metal Gear Solid II. That one game totally revolutionised the market. Oh well, it looks like Christmas with my two PS2's, online accessory, beer and mince pies - what a saddo!

Anyone know where to find old computer games to download? I figure if the company has been defunct for eons I'm really not "stealing" anyhow right? :D I want to play Legend of Kyrandia like I did way back when, but don't feel like paying $$$ on eBay because I'm not even sure if the game will work on my PC (old games have trouble on newer systems due to memory management it seems).

Oh yeah, and Morrowind is fucking awesome. 3D or not, the game is gorgeous and very addicting, been playing that a bit lately. Asked Mom to get me Baldur's Gate for Xmas too. :lol:
NAD said:
Anyone know where to find old computer games to download? I figure if the company has been defunct for eons I'm really not "stealing" anyhow right? :D I want to play Legend of Kyrandia like I did way back when, but don't feel like paying $$$ on eBay because I'm not even sure if the game will work on my PC (old games have trouble on newer systems due to memory management it seems).
I answered my own question awhile back, if anyone is interested: They have TONS of old long forgotten games, including all three Kyrandia games, and with my DOS emulator, it's like I'm 12 years old all over again!
I just play UT2k4 on the Instant Action shit, it rules though.

Gonna buy Castlevania, Final Fantasy X, and probably that Megaman Collection thingy. Got any cool driving games for sale, notman?
So did nobody play Castlevania? There's only about 2395723905.48 sequels and side games out there, all the ones I played ruled. Simon's Quest (NES) and Symphony of the Night (PS1) were my two favorite, but there were a lot I never got a chance to play.