Console video games.

Lord of Metal said:
I urge you to not buy a 360. Why? Okay, you've got Too Human coming out pretty soon and Halo 3 some time next year. WOO! Two games!

ps3 looks shitty though. right now the new nintendo and the 360 are the only ones that seem good. the ps3 is just too fucking expensive plus doesn't really look all that special. the new nintendo will have some first party titles that will be cool but 360 will have gears of war and other stuff. not saying i like the 360, i don't own one, but to me it looks like the best option.
Lord of Metal said:
No 360. It's all about the Wii. Wii I say! Wii!

i'm still hella sketch about that controller. if they can make it work then it would be awesome. otherwise it seems like a bothersome gimmick to me. of course none of this matters cause i won't be buying any console anyways.
AsModEe said:
is this the game with the wolf doing all that stuff? Weird japs

Oh no, this is the one where you are the Prince of the Cosmos. You see, your father is, of course, the King of the Cosmos, and he needs you to roll around this little sticky ball thing, gathering small to obscenely large objects in it, until you have enough to create a star. I believe you are thinking of Okami, which I have not played yet, but am dying to do so.
Metal0wnzYou said:
Next Gen is all about the Wii.
oh yeah bee-otch!! :kickass:

Trace of Wenis said:
and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance which were both terribly mediocre
SINNER! FE: PoR KICKS ARSE! how do i loathe to hear anyone bashing Fire Emblem of any sort!

anyway im a nintendo fan...i like RPGs too and i also got addicted to Animal Crossing...both cube and ds versions!
Enemy242 said:
i'm still hella sketch about that controller. if they can make it work then it would be awesome. otherwise it seems like a bothersome gimmick to me. of course none of this matters cause i won't be buying any console anyways.

Honestly, I must say that I am a little skeptical as well, but I have very high hopes for it. Plus, the new Smash Brothers is going to rock hardcore.
A Trace Of Blood said:
The game started off interesting but began to drag after 20 chapters or so and the story got predictable, cheesy.
are you kidding? that game was too short! there was no dragging! i was like "wait...there should be more..."
Oh shiznat. If I had played Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and if he didn't have Pain of Salvation in his signature, I'd so be on your side, Mah.
Maharet said:
well yeah but...people like yourself may be "t00 metal" to play it...
i find it to be fun!

No way. u dunT 3vn n0 m33!!111

I have a Super Nintendo but no games, really. In my pre-teen foolishness I sold games for "better" games. Fucking idiot, I was.