I need some video games.

ill need to re-install it, had to delete some games due to lack of HD space, once i get my external or internal HD ill be able to load most of my games back on.

then it will be RTS mayhem!
better then Elder Scrolls? i never played the witcher so i wouldn't know, but tribunal and all would be hard to beat, those are fun if you get the GOTY edition with all the expansions.
It's better than the Elder Scrolls in the sense that it's far less generic. It has less freedom than ES, but it's much more involving.

Morrowind mops the floor with Oblivion.
Beg to differ. Morrowind was a drab, slow, boring, brown-and-gray sleepfest. Combat was simply standing next to the enemy and clicking until he died. You had to walk everywhere, agonizingly slowly, through a dull world. The dialogue system was a stupid Wiki-clicking interface. The vaunted storyline was a worthless piece of shyte which involved some emaciated fool sitting in a volcano, waiting for you to come and trounce him. No, sorry, the only thing Morrowind had going for it was the lore.

My problems with Oblivion were that it was too short, too easy "level scaling was a terrible terrible idea, whats the point of leveling up if you can beat the game on level one?", sucky storyline, and so much depth, atmosphere, immersion and lore was missing that could be found in Morrowind.
That's true. Oblivion had its flaws, but it was far better than Morrowind.

Of course, Daggerfall outclasses them both any day of the week and twice on Wednesdays.
I may have done so already in this thread, but for all PC-owners, I can heartily recommend The Witcher. It has a few flaws (the load times are a bit of a pain), but it's the best RPG to come out on the PC since Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines.

I'm going to have to check that out!

there are cool realism mods for morrowind.

i loved oblivion though, i beat that game w/ all the sidequest, including the Knights of the Nine expansion for the PS3
the ninroot quest is a bitch

I have my Morrowind modded out to death :kickass:
One of them is called Better Bodies. I laughed my butt off, especially when I made a male character. It's so funny to run around naked with your junk hanging out. :lol:
I have heard that if you mod the game enough you will get it looking as good as oblivion. I don't know if it's true but I got mine looking pretty nice at this point.

I have:

Better Bodies
Better Heads
Area effect arrows
bc sounds
master index
Lefemm armor
Adamantium Armor
Adamantium Helm of Tohan
Siege of Firemoth
A moon and soul gem replacer
Playable Race: Melnibonean
Beauty shop (hair styles)
Rens Oblivion hair
Bad Karma's clothes for Better bodies.

I also have the entire world re-textured, with brighter colors ect. The bottles the plates all the armor, all the weapons, wood ECT. The bottles is a good one if nothing else because they are ugly and everywhere. I also have all the books re textured, the silver and candle light.
What I can't find is a good creature and in game clothes re placer. But my new clothes look nicer anyhow.
Beg to differ. Morrowind was a drab, slow, boring, brown-and-gray sleepfest. Combat was simply standing next to the enemy and clicking until he died. You had to walk everywhere, agonizingly slowly, through a dull world. The dialoguesystem was a stupid Wiki-clicking interface. The vaunted storyline was a worthless piece of shyte which involved some emaciated fool sitting in a volcano, waiting for you to come and trounce him. No, sorry, the only thing Morrowind had going for it was the lore.

Lies and slander! What about the reincarnation, uniting of the ashlanders, and casting down of false gods!? The fool sitting in the volcano has the sleepers and blight plague sweeping the land! The tribunals powers are weakening, they have a legion of people brain washed, and theres a huge contrast between them and the religion of the Ashlanders. What happened to the Dwemer, how did they dissapear? No one knows! So many different accounts of what happened. So cool!

What did Oblivion have? Demons coming from hell zomg! Collect artifacts so the series's most uninteresting, unimaginative character can turn into the lamest dragon I've ever seen and kill a deadric god while you settle for a less then engaging battle with a scrawny Altmer...

I will admit Morrowinds combat system was horrible, but Oblivion gave you absolutly no reason to explore. Sure it looked pretty, but there was nothing there. Clearing out dungeons was pointless because each armor class had what, five sets? No variety in weapons either. Sure Morrowind was ugly, but it was so unique! You really got the sense that you were trapped in a living wasteland of hell. Oblivion itself...was just horrible. The same level, over, and over, and over. Full of the same enemies, who drop the exact same weapons and armor.

Best part about Oblivion was the Dark Brotherhood :kickass: In my opinion, saying Oblivion is better then Morrowind is like saying DHIADW is better then DNB. DHIADW may be more polished, but it lacks soul.
i've prayed to the night mother so many times, there is no end...

i beat ALL the class guids EXCEPT the mages guild cause im a warrior....and you can only get half way cause you require more magic that warriors cannot get..other then that

i beat everything....dark brotherhood, thieves guild, fighers guild, gladiator knights of the nine armour, i got the daedric weapons and i also got the full set of glass armour as well. 81 skill picklocker and i prayed to every single shrine to get those rare items (like the skeleton key)

i wish the game kept going and going, i just liked the game all around. I hope for more expansions....but i have been thinking about getting it for the 360 so i can unlock achievments and get the EXPANSION THAT THE PS3 DOSEN'T HAVE which is shivering isle i believe...

oh god...
Cannot wait for my PS3 (already bought a guitar with paycheck).

Gonna play AC4 (Armored Core) online on my 64 inch all day. That or bring it to my buddie's HD theater screen; motherfucker has to be 120 +. Played Gears of War on it and it brought out new dimensions.

I also love having a neighbor that lives not thirty seconds away with a Wii getting Smash Bros Brawl, and aforementioned bud having an Xbox360.
Only played the 3rd one for a limited time, and wasnae feeling it much unfortunately. Still, I presume it requires time for full appreciation.
Minor hi-jacking here...

Could anyone shed some light on MGS4?

MGS4 is gonna be PS3 Exlusive, i don't remember the date. Supposivly snake has a son (not sure, i just go by what i saw in the trailers)

and he is old, octagon and everyone are back, its kinda fuzzy really, but i think snake might bite the bullet this time around.....he is getting to old and times are changing fast for him.
He ages quicker as a result of the FOXDIE.

Not his son either, it's Olga's daughter.