Contrasting Harmonies

the_drip said:
counterpoint= 1 or more contrasting, MELODIES.

It's not harmony...harmony is different. I'm being a nitpicking asshole, because that's what I am. Harmony is the structure of music with respect to the composition and progression of chords.

He's not asking for counterpoint. Any fuckin song with a chord progression would work. YOu don't need any of the twin guitar stuff of Orchid or Morningrise.

So what does Contrasting Harmonies mean?
I really don't know.
Could it be two completely different melodies from two completely
different songs that just happen to be in the same key??????
I typed in Contrasting Harmonies in a search engine and besides
colors and visual contrasting harmonies, here's all I got.
The first one is an excerpt from The ap Huw Manuscripts
{This copied material sets out the Twenty-Four Measures, a "series of harmonic patterns composed of two contrasting harmonies, and used as a basis for grounds and variations".

The second one was this:
I don't know how her music sounds but she looks pretty hot.

Full Name: Robyn Carlsson
Date of Birth: 1979
Residence: Stockholm, Sweden
Latest album: My Truth (1999)

{Either you've never heard of her, or you've only heard her most popular song, "Show Me Love." I really enjoyed Robyn's first album, as it was a departure from the types of music I had been mainly listening to. Robyn's music is a great R&B style, with great contrasting harmonies and rhythms. Her voice has a raspier tint to it, making it very alluring to listen to. Sadly, I have yet to hear her second album, as it wasn't released in the U.S. Also, I don't think she's recording anymore. }

Aside from an article on Lacuna Coil talking about [Christina's soaring vocal
layers and Andrea's contrasting vocal harmonies] and an aritcle
on Chopin and Strauss, me thinks you are in the wrong class.
Are you sure you aren't in Interior Decoration 101???
gatedropper said:
So what does Contrasting Harmonies mean?
I really don't know.
Could it be two completely different melodies from two completely
different songs that just happen to be in the same key??????

Two different chord progressions = two contrasting harmonies.
Uhm, just because they are DIFFERENT it does not mean that they are CONTRASTING. Just a random thought.
All I know is that on my Syllabus, I am signed up to present and discuss two songs with contrasting harmonies, on September 9th 2004 in my Core Perspectives class. What the professor means by contrasting harmonies is hard to tell, but since we only meet once a week and the next time we meet is when i present, Im going to have to fudge it i guess.
What about the really dissonant part in "The Drapery Falls"...

Or the intros to both "Forest of October" and "The Night and the Silent Water"...