Controversial opinions on metal

Maybe, but I don't think their images are all that similar. Avril was always that "bratty fake punk princess" while Hayley has been the "powerful youthful girl" type with none of the "punk" pretenses Avril had.

And god this thread got REALLY gay haha, serious discussions of Paramore and Avril? WTF!

What have you done?!?! and yes Avril was a little cunt who at the time was designed by the mainstream music industry to be the antichrist of Britney Spears. I remember those days when TRL was around......ah nostalgia.
Any suggestions for better songs? Did like her voice at least.

Sorry, can't help you, because that's all I know by them. The local college radio station plays that song all the time and thus it's usually stuck in my head.

News flash I think Dragonforce is wonderful. Hataz gonna hate....

Dragonforce has a few wonderful songs, but as a whole, no.
I dislike Paramore, I honestly see nothing redeeming in their music, and this is coming from a guy that likes pop. But to each his own.

The amount of love for shitty albums like Nespithe on here made me realize... this forum must still be full of ANUS fanboys.

Fuck you, and fuck your failure.

KISS is better than Children of Bodom at least.
I like KISS, but:

No. Bodom's first three albums are fucking class.
I actually don't mind Paramore as far as formulaic pop punk bands go, my sister listens to them sometimes and its a lot less dreadful than much of the popular chart music these days. Her voice is quite good.

Children of Bodom are pretty decent I think, first three albums in particular. Follow The Reaper is brilliant.

Nespith is a damn fine album with really bad vocals, however they don't detract too much since the music is incredible and there are a lot of instrumental parts.

edit: You know what I've given it a fresh listen just now and fuck that, it is seriously awesome on all fronts the vocals really aren't that bad
Children Of Bodom actually improved with time, songs like "Are You Dead Yet?" and "In Your Face" off the album with the same name are great. I think the first Dragonforce album is the best, it's full of great tunes that aren't over-worked like the later stuff, "Heart of a Dragon" is just one example of an immortal tune off that album.

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Pro-posting Tips

You don't have to post a video for every song/band you think of. If someone gives a fuck about what you said, they'll look it up themselves. Other times videos may be posted are if the band is obscure or if the video is for lawls

Also, Dragonforce and COB aren't exactly obscure or underground. Any non-metal loving retard with an XBOX is familar with their music.

Your opinion that new COB is better than old COB is fair enough since everyone has they're own musical tastes. You are 100% wrong though.

>posting are you dead yet songs to defend newer bodom
