Controversial opinions on metal

I will agree with the opinion that Slayer is "overrated" but everything up until Seasons In The Abyss is legit, fuck you all.

Slayer definately doesnt deserve nearly as much hype as they seem to get but they also dont deserve being disregarded completely.
metallica, to me, are clearly the best of the "big 4". i would rather listen to exodus or testament than megadeth or anthrax. but slayer put together some great songs, and each album has something worth listening to on it.
theres nothing overrated about Slayer at all ... and their first five albums are better than most of the stuff you fruit cakes listen to.

and seriously what fucking filler on the early slayer albums are you guys bitching about?
silent scream? kills
altar of sacrifice? kills
haunting the chapel? kills
spirit in black? kills

frankly almost EVERY song on those early albums rules.
I only thought Slayer had two bad albums and that's Diabolus in Musica and some of the stuff on Divine Intervention. Other than that I've always thought Slayer was a pretty consistent band.
new Heretoir full length comes out in February. Artwork by Fursy, the guy that did the covers for new Alcest, Lantlos, that multi-LP box set of Agalloch recently, among others.


I'm pretty excited about it. I want to here how good they pull off a full length. All I have from Heretoir is Existenz, the split with Thranenkind, and a few songs on some compilations.
I actually enjoy Divine Intervention more than DIM and all subsequent releases. The only problem with DI is Paul Bostaph sounds out of sync with the rest of the band.

DIM and DI both actually have some of my favorite Slayer songs on them believe it or not.

Sex, Murder, Art
Perversions of Pain

Just to name a few.
new Heretoir full length comes out in February. Artwork by Fursy, the guy that did the covers for new Alcest, Lantlos, that multi-LP box set of Agalloch recently, among others.

All I have from Heretoir is Existenz, the split with Thranenkind, and a few songs on some compilations.

Yeah I can tell, the picture reminds me of Les Discrets' Septembre et Ses Dernières Pensées and the font reminds me of Lantlôs lol

Im gonna give that split a listen to, that song sounded good. But that was both Heretoir and Thranenkind? Hows their solo shit on the split?