Controversial opinions on metal

I don't really see how Barnes vs Corpsegrinder can even be debated...even when they played decent music with Barnes (i.e. pretty much just TotM) his vocals were so goddamn bad that they mostly killed it. Corsegrinder is a damn good vocalist, and CC with him sounds a lot more powerful.
Controversial opinions, eh? (most of these have probably been said already)

-Iron Maiden is overrated
-Ronnie James Dio is overrated
-Cannibal Corpse with Corpsegrinder is better than CC with Barnes
-Slipknot is underrated
-Cradle of Filth is still awesome
-Likewise with Dimmu Borgir
-There are good deathcore bands

A bit overrated, yes
Of course
No idea, pretty shit band overall tho
Hard to say. Iowa is pretty good, the rest is not as good...
No, even though Stormblåst and For all tid are great.
Strange contradiction in the statement itself:Smokin:
Controversial opinions, eh? (most of these have probably been said already)

-Iron Maiden is overrated
-Ronnie James Dio is overrated
-Cannibal Corpse with Corpsegrinder is better than CC with Barnes
-Slipknot is underrated
-Cradle of Filth is still awesome
-Likewise with Dimmu Borgir
-There are good deathcore bands

Maybe after their second album
Hell no
Shit band
Shit band
Shit band
Shit band
Dio IS overrated, this is fact. I mean, I love the guy, he's a great vocalist, but he's had his fair share of stinker moments (The Devil You Know, every live album he did with Sabbath that even touches the Ozzy songs).
It was actually acceptable to criticize Dio before he died. Now he's apparently one of the greatest people to ever front a metal band.

He had some terrific songs, he had some god-awful songs.

I had a discussion about this the other day with someone on a different forum, but my controversial opinion is that the black metal scene in North America, in terms of quality output and bands, is almost on par with Europe. That great divide that used to exist between the sheer quality of black metal material no longer exists between the two regions as it used to. It may not seem controversial to most, but I think a few of the elitists will decry this and say that the United States will never have the same quality of bands that the European scene has to this day.

Also, if Blasphemy had been from Norway or Germany, we would have heard about them as being on par with some of the best black metal bands of the time.

Now it's time for you guys to go all lol wut.
No way. Europe's black metal scene is far more superior than that of North America. The US has like 5-6 good bands overall.
Dio the band is tremendously overrated. Dio the vocalist is incredible and one of the greatest of all time, from his early days to the end of his life.
I like three NA black metal bands: Absu, Sorcier Des Glaces and Demoncy (ok thanks AN*S). Other than that I haven't even heard much, but I doubt there's that much of a EU-bias. Plenty of EU black metal bands are deemed bad for the same exact reasons as NA bands.
Sorry, but it's not even close:lol:

Drudkh, Negura Bunget, DsO, Katharsis, Blut aus nord, Alcest, Watain and Marduk are just a few of the great bands of Europe. :OMG:

Edit: In recent time ofc. If we are to make use of history then lol. Ultra pwnage.
I don't really see how Barnes vs Corpsegrinder can even be debated...even when they played decent music with Barnes (i.e. pretty much just TotM) his vocals were so goddamn bad that they mostly killed it. Corsegrinder is a damn good vocalist, and CC with him sounds a lot more powerful.

The problem with Cannibal Corpse has never been the vocalists. The problem with Cannibal Corpse is that they only write songs that suck.
"Bottom tier" is the wrong term to use, but they are pretty generic as a whole, and certainly a band that only got anywhere through shock value, marketing, and maybe luck. Deicide is still a thousand times worse, though.
"Bottom tier" is the wrong term to use, but they are pretty generic as a whole, and certainly a band that only got anywhere through shock value, marketing, and maybe luck. Deicide is still a thousand times worse, though.

The first two Deicide albums are genre-defining landmarks, though. They're significant, innovative records that are not only seminal sources of the riff-language of death metal in its mature form, but also notable for being among the most pure expressions of death metal as a concept. Deicide peeled back all the unnecessary layers of extraneous musicality and left only the undiluted core of alienation and lawless, violent power that is the essence of death metal.

Cannibal Corpse, on the other hand, is the band that Pantera would have been if they'd decided to rip off Suffocation instead of ripping off Exhorder.
What did they innovate? And lol @ them peeling back extraneous musicality. People fap all over the "tech" of their ability to write a thousand slightly-different thrash-chug or standard-fare tremolo picked riffs interspersed with equally random blast beat sections and endless guitar solo wank. They're Time Does Not Heal in condensed two-minute death metal form.

Not that I necessarily have a problem with musical masturbation, but early Deicide exemplifies it.
What did they innovate?

Deicide and Legion (not to mention the band's extremely heavily traded demo material from the 86-89 period) are, at the very least, among the albums most responsible for fully liberating death metal from traditional, heavy metal/rock derived harmony. Their rhythmically heterodox phrasing was foundational to the emergence of both the "brutal" and "technical" styles in death metal. Glen Benton's vocals were, at the time, basically unprecedented. Some of their early material seems less remarkable now only because it was so widely copied/imitated. Were you even alive when Deicide was released?

And lol @ them peeling back extraneous musicality.

So, you're saying that their music is chock full of the extended intros/outros, doomy passages, acoustic interludes and the like so typical of death metal over the years? Really? Are you an actual fucking moron, or do you just play one for our amusement?

People fap all over the "tech" of their ability to write a thousand slightly-different thrash-chug or standard-fare tremolo picked riffs interspersed with equally random blast beat sections and endless guitar solo wank.

Never mind that their riffs were anything but "standard" and their structures only "random" for people too stupid to grasp the patently obvious logic of their songs, or that "endless" anything pretty much can't be squared with albums that clock in under half an hour of total playing time... Are you deaf, or just making assumptions about albums you've never actually heard?