Controversial opinions on metal

With Blessed Are the Sick the band left behind a lot of the attitude, character and charm contained within their first album.

You think so? I personally think the only thing they left behind were the obvious Mike Browning bits (the cheesy King Diamondesque keys that just double the guitar lines at randomly selected intervals), and those added nothing and subtracted much anyway. Blessed are the Sick maximizes everything that is best about Morbid Angel (the instinct for weird, disconcerting, serpentine melody, a classically refined sense of pacing and construction and surgical rhythmic precision) while avoiding the weaknesses that crop up from time to time on their other albums (self-indulgence, a tendency to fall into formulaic ruts and songs that can become to bloated for full coherence).

Not to mention the production is a lot better on the debut. It sounds more organic and compliments the music nicely, the drums especially.

Honestly, the only thing I can say for the Altars... mix is that it is a little louder than Blessed are the Sick. The latter has a more robust bottom end and a crisper distortion texture that better highlights the heft and precision of the music. I couldn't care less about drum sound: drums are there to keep time and shade the edges of rhythm, there's absolutely no reason for them to be "interesting."
What exactly do keyboards the root notes of which match the guitar lines "subtract" exactly? I think you're vastly overstating the negative effects of a couple bars of music.
I'm not sure how adding some keyboards that share a root note with the guitars they are being played on top of causes incoherence, unless you're the kind of person who finds that throwing some acoustic shit in the middle of the album is a great idea that causes the flow of the album to improve. But you like BATS more so I guess you couldn't be that kind of person and therefore I have no idea what you're talking about.
I'm not sure how adding some keyboards that share a root note with the guitars they are being played on top of causes incoherence, unless you're the kind of person who finds that throwing some acoustic shit in the middle of the album is a great idea that causes the flow of the album to improve. But you like BATS more so I guess you couldn't be that kind of person and therefore I have no idea what you're talking about.

I go back and forth between AOM and BATS... I think the interludes work well on BATS but probably wouldn't have suited AOM. Plus BATS was my first Morbid Angel album... borrowed it on tape back in 94. :saint:
The only thing I can say about BATS is that it is the album in which MA defined their sound into a cohesive and unique sound. As far as the quality of songs, I like AOM and even Covenant better. I still love BATS, I just prefer those other 2 albums over it.
You think so? I personally think the only thing they left behind were the obvious Mike Browning bits (the cheesy King Diamondesque keys that just double the guitar lines at randomly selected intervals), and those added nothing and subtracted much anyway. Blessed are the Sick maximizes everything that is best about Morbid Angel (the instinct for weird, disconcerting, serpentine melody, a classically refined sense of pacing and construction and surgical rhythmic precision) while avoiding the weaknesses that crop up from time to time on their other albums (self-indulgence, a tendency to fall into formulaic ruts and songs that can become to bloated for full coherence).

Honestly, the only thing I can say for the Altars... mix is that it is a little louder than Blessed are the Sick. The latter has a more robust bottom end and a crisper distortion texture that better highlights the heft and precision of the music. I couldn't care less about drum sound: drums are there to keep time and shade the edges of rhythm, there's absolutely no reason for them to be "interesting."

I definitely think so. To me Altars of Madness is a far more engaging, captivating listen. Part of that is perhaps the aggression but I think the songs are better also. And I forgot to mention this earlier but I prefer David Vincent's vocals on Altars over those of later albums.

And production, unfortunately, is something that I cannot force my ears to ignore even though I wish I could. When comparing the two albums I must point out the difference in production. I wouldn't say the production on Blessed is terrible, but definitely a major step down. It all sounds rather tinny to me, and the sound of drums is something I really enjoy listening to so it's better when they sound great.

Regarding the keyboards on Altars, I find them to be a nice addition to the album. Like on "Chapel of the Ghouls" for example, I think they compliment the song well. The keyboards on Blessed I would actually say are cheesy (ie. "Doomsday Celebration" in particular) and I think they are a bit out of place on the album.

I'll mention this too because I think it's applicable here, the reason why I generally prefer most bands' early work, and often a band's debut album to later works, is because after a solid debut, bands will attempt to "perfect" the basic elements of their sound. One can argue that's a good thing but this attempt at refining along with a more sterile production job usually equates to the loss of character and charm that attracted me to the band in the first place.
At least we can all just agree that %90 percent of MA is fucking awesome?...By the way...Altars for the win.
No it's not.

. . . Nevermore? I understand Opeth being on that "list" of yours, but NEvermore? Pretty damn cheesy if you ask me, at least compared to metal as a whole. There is plenty of non-cheesy metal out there. I know I preach about this album a lot but try Dawn's Slaughtersun. Middle aged Primordial, Sacramentum pre-Thy Black Destiny, and shit even Necrophagist's Onset of Putrefaction wasn't that cheesy. Just explore more.

The only slightly non-cheesy thing Nevermore did was This Godless Endeavor, and there were only a few instances on that.
Blessed Are The Sick offers the most from MA. It's crazy interesting and complex for straightforward DM for the time. It's a short album that actually offers a lot. Anytime listen to it am surprised it is under 40 minutes. A lot is going on. And yeah I like the keyboard instrumentals and the acoustic piece Desolate Ways. I like keyboards and shit like that in DM, not symphonic overbearing shit like in BM. Keyboard sections on old school DM albums that are more random which make them more interesting and affective. It's nice for DM musicians to also showcase other things which I feel is personality and I do like diversity/contrast even in DM. Nothing is worse than a cd that is just monotonous and samey. I prefere DM cds with instrumentals. You have the people that prefere very basic strightforward to the point DM like say Cannibal Corpse or Deicide and then fans like me that look at it from a artistic/musical standpoint. I also can't listen to bands that have songs that are similiar. A musician should be good enough to not recycle and have different sounding songs. MA while keeping the same formula actually do have different songs and differtent style/approach. For example they have heavier songs and some more oldschool thrashy/black metallish songs mixed in with their regular style/approach which break up the cds.
I never understood the Domination hate, the low end. fuck

I noticed people complain that it's slower,sludgy, or overly groove oriented. I've never listened to DM or most music because it's fast. I listen to it because low end,groove,heaviness,atmosphere. total rythmic as fuck.
What the fuck is wrong with slow groove people? Sure, i fucking love ultra fast metal too, but sometimes i just want slower, rythm-based sluggish metal, like Black Label Society, Asphyx, Crowbar and some Meshuggah.
People who have a problem with rythmn/groove are usually the overly serious intellectual types that think music should be purely listened to. Some form of movement is healthy. Not that I dance when listening to DM, but I enjoy acting tarded sometimes.