Controversial opinions on metal

One mans blatant misinformation is another mans opinion. ;)

It is my opinion that the sky is not blue, but polka-dot purple and green.
It is also my opinion that the my pals caused 9/11.

After all, it's just my opinion, and OPINIONS CAN'T BE WRONG RITE?!?
I'm pretty neutral on King Diamond's vocals, actually. I have friends who are like "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAH KING DIAMOND FUCK YEAH MOTHERFUCK" and I'm sitting there with a blank look on my face.

Like this:

Except even more blank.
I can't stand King Diamond's vocals, but at the same time I can't imagine the music without's a paradoxical pleasure of sorts
King Diamond's vocals have an incredible theatrical quality, which is perfect for his narrative form of lyric writing. But, yeah, the sound of his voice is pretty hard to get used to.

If he had normal power metal vocals, instead of pussyfalsetto it would be okay. His lower range is fine, but just because you can hit high notes doesn't mean you sound good doing it.
His vocals get a bit of getting used to, but saying his music would be better without them is fucking retarded.