Controversial opinions on metal

Not sure if controversial since its just my personal opinion and all, but Revelation's Release is my favorite doom album. I realize such a relatively new album shouldn't probably get such a status, but it just resonates with me in ways no other doom album has.

This is understandable. I'd vote for Pagan Altar, Reverend Bizarre, or Warning over it though. It is clearly the best doom metal album in years though.
This is understandable. I'd vote for Pagan Altar, Reverend Bizarre, or Warning over it though. It is clearly the best doom metal album in years though.

I might be a little biased because zomg band from Maine, but I'd have to go with Plague of the Planet for favorite doom album in the past few years. Although Release is indeed right behind it.
As for my favorite doom album, it would probably be some generic choice like Saint Vitus or Candlemass. Or maybe the obsessed s/t
Yeah New Dark Age is up there, aswell as some classics like Die Healing, Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, Day of Reckoning, etc.

For albums released more recently I would say both Fall of the Idols albums are probably my favourites.
Been listening to a good bit of Sabbath lately, and from these recent listenings I've decided that Bill Ward is the best drummer in metal.

He's just got such an uncanny sense of rhythm and this groove to his style that is uniquely him. Might not be anything special technically, but the man played such memorable drum lines.
Mort has better taste in metal then a large majority of the board.

Been listening to a good bit of Sabbath lately, and from these recent listenings I've decided that Bill Ward is the best drummer in metal.

He's just got such an uncanny sense of rhythm and this groove to his style that is uniquely him. Might not be anything special technically, but the man played such memorable drum lines.

I came to that conclusion when I first heard War Pigs, then again, I didn't listen to much metal back then.