Controversial opinions on metal

I can never have too much of a problem with Bodom, Hatebreeder was the first real "death" metal (or anything that was heavy as fuck with growls/screaming) that I was exposed to, I think I got it for my 13th birthday, I listened to it SO much it was insane, and I was always a huge fan ever since. Although there sound has changed a lot, and the older albums are better, they're still pretty badass, give good shows and are always an indelible influence on me...I actually have the alexi signature guitar :lol: sits in the closet a lot though

Bodom was my first exposure to extreme metal as well. Back in... 2005 I think it was. Got Follow the Reaper and things snowballed from there.

And tbh, I haven't heard Relentless Reckless Forever yet but they're still good IMO. Blooddrunk was the third-best album they've ever put out, and last time I saw Bodom live (third time), Alexi nailed every solo down to the note. I would see them again, definitely.

Burzum sucks shit out of assholes.

Go back to abusing drugs.
I don't mind Tim Owens at all. I just wish he'd have stayed in Priest, as:
A) He is clearly superior to the vocalist Rob Halford has become. A tonedeaf, nails-on-a-chalkboard wailer? No thanks.
B) He just doesn't work in IE imo... it's just not a good fit.
I haven't heard the last album but based on Angel of Retribution you are so very wrong that it actually causes physical pain just to read your words. Which is pretty typical for you.
Someone needs to explain your shit taste to you.
But seriously, trite and dull? That album contains some of the best guitar work I've ever heard on a black metal album. The riffs, leads, acoustic passages, all amazing. The only thing I dislike is the complete dominance of the mid-range in the mix.
I think Owens sounded quite good with Iced Earth (though I also think he could've done much better, and that he was never as good a fit with them as Matt Barlow).

I don't think Manowar are nearly as silly as most people make them out to be.

I think Show No Mercy and Hell Awaits are both better than Reign in Blood.

I think Euronymous was a nutter and that Varg did the world a favor by killing him.

Hello, btw. I'm new here.
Justin Bieber should play Varg Vikernes in a film about Burzum. Not because he would be a good choice in any way, but how much it would piss off black metal fans would be so fucking hilarious I'd be rolling around on the ground laughing hysterically.

:lol: Damnit someone beat me to it. My version would have said Pairofcletus though.
I haven't heard the last album but based on Angel of Retribution you are so very wrong that it actually causes physical pain just to read your words. Which is pretty typical for you.

When Halford stays low, he's actually not bad, but I wouldn't call him "good" nowadays by any means. And when he does high screams it's just painful to listen to. I'm dead serious when I say Owens should've stayed in Priest.

Anybody saying that a modern-day Halford is superior to Owens, is just saying that based on traditionalist-faggotry.

Inlé;9786402 said:
Nice album artwork aside, Nattens Madrigal is Ulver's worst full length- terribly trite and dull black metal.

Someone needs to explain the hype to me one day.

You're trite and dull. Nattens Madrigal on the other hand, is one of black metal's finest. Well-written, dynamic and engaging songs, awesome guitar work, fantastic production job.

It's unpopular in most "true metal" circles, but I seriously fucking love deathcore sometimes.

I don't mind deathcore either, but it's only 4-5 bands, and even then some of it (like We Butter the Bread with Butter and Breakdown of Sanity) seems to be the deathcore that's so stereotypical it's almost to the point of absurdity (80% breakdown, shouty vocals, etc).

Job For A Cowboy
The Red Chord
We Butter the Bread With Butter
Breakdown of Sanity
I agree, some deathcore can be great. My favorite being Suicide Silence.

But when it comes to bands that have emo sounding songs, with deathcore sounding choures, it pisses me off. Makes me think they are too gay to do a proper deathcore song.
^^ All Shall Perish pretty much sucks, but that album has to be one of the best pieces of deathcore i'v ever heard (and the only thing thats worth listening to by ASP), you should definitely give it a shot.

.... suicide silence and whitechapel suck dick!