Controversial opinions on metal

I've not given Ki a full listen in a while, but I wasn't too fond of it aside from Trainfire. I will probably give it a listen soon since I'm really rediscovering his music now.
Metal is quite a cliquey scene
Load and ReLoad are both decent albums
Death are really overrated
Noel Gallager > Metal
haha ultimate metal...its too easy for a wind up. Love it.

I used to be massively into Death. Chuck = amazing guitarist. The Sound Of Perseverance is a quality album....I dunno lately it all just seems a bit overrated to me.....its good but not as good as everyone else seems to make out. In my opinion anyway. :)

I know its the wrong forum to talk about a band that are not metal.....but I really like some songs by Oasis. :) I sometimes get the impression that a lot of people really into there metal just hate them as its the 'right' thing to do.

Why don't you like Load or Reload? If I were to ask you if you liked Metallica face to face would you cross your arms, frown at me and say "only the first 4 albums" ?

Obviously I would much prefer to listen to puppets than load....but its not a bad album.... :) .... or utter you put it. :)
Unless you're doing sports or house chores, those look horrible and tacky imo.

What about a full black one with gold stripes? Tick any boxes for you? Shellsuits are internationally recognised. There is no other suit to take ecstasy in.
I've not given Ki a full listen in a while, but I wasn't too fond of it aside from Trainfire. I will probably give it a listen soon since I'm really rediscovering his music now.

I was actually planning on doing the same, since I heard Deconstruction. I'd like to listen to all of the DTP albums in order once Ghost releases though.
I'm not vegan or anything but I'm surprised at how quite a few people are opposed to eating vegetables and eating healthy. If it's so manly to eat meat all of the time, all I can say is have fun going impotent faster. :lol:
Vegan and vegetarian are quite different. Vegetarians are fine. Vegans are almost all self-rightious psychopaths.