Controversial opinions on metal

Firstly, this is a metal forum, and no one should need to explain the desire to listen to "extremity-pushing viciousness." Secondly, Extreme Aggression and Coma of Souls are tight as fuck and kick the shit out of anything Testament has done. If you're trying to say that you dislike the more aggressive side of thrash, then just say that, but the fact is that when it comes to the more aggressive side of thrash, Kreator's first couple albums are pretty ace.

Did I somehow completely misinterpret your earlier posts? You consider Endless Pain unlistenable and gravitate towards Coma of Souls, but somehow I therefore gravitate towards the less aggressive side of thrash? FWIW I probably do, but when it comes to aggressive thrash I see no reason to waste time on energetically-spent Bay Area-leaning stuffs when I can listen to their most primal efforts. I've started blogging, but more about this specific post: controversial or truth?

lol wrestling
Testament have never been one of my favorites. they've never done a really, really bad album, but there's just a lot of thrash bands i'd rather listen to than Testament.

just personal taste i guess.
Practice What You Preach.

you're a fucking retard.

Go take a look at your lastfm lists and charts ... now proceed to slap yourslef for even considering Practice What You Preach (which isnt even their worst album) a "really, really bad album".

edit: and like i'v said continuously, you shouldnt be commenting about music you seem to know nothing about, because only an idiot would try and imply that PWYP is a bad Testament album, let alone their worst.
Ok, I just gave a few quick listens and "really, really bad" is admittedly excessive, but I still consider it their worst. The album is all pretty much the same mid-tempo happy thrash stylistically, and while there isn't any obvious recyclage like Souls of Black, at least that album had a few faster songs IIRC. Of course, The Ballad is a deviation, but it's also probably the worst metal ballad in existence, as could be expected from such a promising song title.
The only thing I've ever appreciated from Testament is their solo that starts off the song "Armed and dangerous", aside of that, most of their songs suck and they shouldn't be in the Big 4 as I see it.
HOWEVER, I differentiate "creating a new style" from "being original" and still insist that while they didn't create a new style, I can call Opeth original because they did their own thing and didn't rehash much stuff early on. So we simply have different meanings.

I wouldn't describe Opeth as particularly derivative or unoriginal, but I definitely wouldn't call them visionaries or trailblazers or anything.

Did I somehow completely misinterpret your earlier posts? You consider Endless Pain unlistenable and gravitate towards Coma of Souls, but somehow I therefore gravitate towards the less aggressive side of thrash? FWIW I probably do, but when it comes to aggressive thrash I see no reason to waste time on energetically-spent Bay Area-leaning stuffs when I can listen to their most primal efforts.
Coma of Souls is my least favorite of the early Kreator albums. I consider Endless Pain difficult to listen to all the way through because of the extremely poor and uneven production.

I don't really understand what your problem is with stuff like Terrible Certainty and Extreme Aggression. Yes, they're more riff-focused than the first two which were more concerned with simply bludgeoning the listener. But apparently you like Bay Area thrash, so...I am forced to conclude that you are simply being contrary.

Also, with regards to Testament...The New Order was pretty good but bogged down with pointless interludes and instrumentals. Practice What You Preach was just mediocre. Everything after that was just bad, until The Gathering, which was pretty good.
Also, with regards to Testament...The New Order was pretty good but bogged down with pointless interludes and instrumentals. Practice What You Preach was just mediocre. Everything after that was just bad, until The Gathering, which was pretty good.

ummmm .. forgetting about The Legacy?

And this is the second time that someone on this board is complaining about The New Order having too many instrumental and whatnot ... what the fuck? Im having a hard time believing that you guys have even really given that album a chance, as it only has two instrumentals, Hypnosis and Musical Death, both of which are fucking awesome.

... and while PWYP, Souls of Black and The Ritual might not be top notch thrash, all three are pretty solid albums.
ummmm .. forgetting about The Legacy?

And this is the second time that someone on this board is complaining about The New Order having too many instrumental and whatnot ... what the fuck? Im having a hard time believing that you guys have even really given that album a chance, as it only has two instrumentals, Hypnosis and Musical Death, both of which are fucking awesome.

... and while PWYP, Souls of Black and The Ritual might not be top notch thrash, all three are pretty solid albums.
I haven't heard The Legacy, so obviously I won't pass judgement on it. The New Order has two pointless instrumentals, but there are also a number of unnecessary interludes and intros. Eerie Inhabitants, Trial By Fire and Disciples Of The Watch, all have stupid, shitty sounding clean intros that can honestly get fucked. Completely destroys any momentum the album could otherwise have. They could have had a pretty kickass EP if they'd thrown Trial By Fire, Into The Pit, Disciples Of The Watch, Nobody's Fault, and The Preacher together and cut the intros from Disciples and Trial By Fire. Instead you have a weird, directionless album that only seems to be about 70% thrash.

Also, The Ritual is goddamned shitty. A classic case of awful, commercialized 90s thrash. Souls of Black also isn't very good.

Same here, i think Demonic and Low are both rather enjoyable albums, but it seems that most people wouldn't agree.
No, no they wouldn't.