Controversial opinions on metal

i actually quite like Souls of Black, unlike a lot of people.

Demonic can suck my dick, but i think Low is pretty solid.

first two albums are still their best.
I don't really understand what your problem is with stuff like Terrible Certainty and Extreme Aggression. Yes, they're more riff-focused than the first two which were more concerned with simply bludgeoning the listener. But apparently you like Bay Area thrash, so...I am forced to conclude that you are simply being contrary.

Also, with regards to Testament...The New Order was pretty good but bogged down with pointless interludes and instrumentals. Practice What You Preach was just mediocre. Everything after that was just bad, until The Gathering, which was pretty good.

I didn't say that I have a problem with Terrible Certainty (my third favorite, after the first two). My point is that bands should do what they're best at, like anything else. Comedians shouldn't try action films. A doctor shouldn't waste time cleaning bedpans. And Kreator and Sodom shouldn't play fucking pussy thrash.

Low is a great album.

I haven't heard The Legacy, so obviously I won't pass judgement on it. The New Order has two pointless instrumentals, but there are also a number of unnecessary interludes and intros. Eerie Inhabitants, Trial By Fire and Disciples Of The Watch, all have stupid, shitty sounding clean intros that can honestly get fucked. Completely destroys any momentum the album could otherwise have. They could have had a pretty kickass EP if they'd thrown Trial By Fire, Into The Pit, Disciples Of The Watch, Nobody's Fault, and The Preacher together and cut the intros from Disciples and Trial By Fire. Instead you have a weird, directionless album that only seems to be about 70% thrash.

This I agree with pretty much 100%. Melodic guitar intro metal with thrash influence.

Boring Metal imo... :loco::yow::yuk:

Yes, a lot of Testament is.
i wouldn't say Testament's vocals are great, but the ones on the first album sound pretty cool. like HamburgerBoy (kinda) said, if you took them away from the music they wouldn't be so great, but with the music they're cool.
Boring Metal imo... :loco::yow::yuk:

Stoner doom
Sludge metal
bitch please

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I didn't say that I have a problem with Terrible Certainty (my third favorite, after the first two). My point is that bands should do what they're best at, like anything else. Comedians shouldn't try action films. A doctor shouldn't waste time cleaning bedpans. And Kreator and Sodom shouldn't play fucking pussy thrash.
I feel like the phrase "obnoxiously contrary prick" is becoming overused, but if you're calling Extreme Aggression pussy thrash and Low a great album I'm afraid that you, sir, are an obnoxiously contrary prick.
You must be incredibly butt hurt about someone's opinion on the internet.


Then again, I'm talking to someone who listens to fucking Skeletonwitch. I think we're on two different levels here and you're still figuring out how to get in the front door.
Calling Kreator and Sodom "pussy thrash" is just... wow. You could not be any more wrong, burgerboy. Facepalm count is at 10.
Mort Divine said:
Testament is an unfortunate band because their music is really bad, but they have an excellent vocalist.

I agree with this except for the part about the vocalist. Why do people try to hold then up high like they're something special?

Stoner doom and sludge are also just pointless and unintelligent forms of music.