Controversial opinions on metal

Krow said:
Oh fuck off.

How about you explain why you disagree or try to change my opinion if that's your thing?

Stoner doom especially is literally nothing more than low-talent Black Sabbath worship played by people who probably smoke more than they eat, with generally stupid lyrics to boot.
There's still a lot of sludge I need to hear, but Eyehategod and Fudge Tunnel are pretty schweet.

I feel like the phrase "obnoxiously contrary prick" is becoming overused, but if you're calling Extreme Aggression pussy thrash and Low a great album I'm afraid that you, sir, are an obnoxiously contrary prick.

What's wrong with Low? It's probably their most diverse album, and with no Skolnick there is also minimal directionless shiny-guitar crap.

I mean, just look at its Metal-Archives average review percentage, the ultimate source of metal opinions. Clearly the majority of people side with my opinion, and you are therefore being the contrarian in this instance.
Tonka Time said:
Acid Bath are sludge.

This means that your statement is just pointless and unintelligent.

I haven't listened to them, but I don't have very high expectations for them unless they're totally different from other popular bands presented as represetative of the genre. I'll probably listen to some songs by them sometime soon, but my statement holds true based on my extensive experience with stoner roommates who worship sludge, stoner and heavy rock bands and my resulting extensive forced listening to their music.
How about you explain why you disagree or try to change my opinion if that's your thing?

I've found that sludge is easier to appreciate if you're from or close to the southern part of the united states... not that it particularly matters... but there's some kind of connection that's more relatable...

True southern Sludge is
1 part sabbath
1 part twisted southern rock groove (this includes the desperation in the lyrics, the drug use, the bleak outlook on religion)
2 parts drug fueled hatred of everything

Sludge can be just as ugly as death metal and as hatefilled and desperate as any black metal. I honestly think the southern rock feel is why it turns so many people off...
What southern rock are you referring to? I would figure it's more like 1 part Sabbath, 1 part hardcore.
I can't say there are many bands that sound like Acid Bath. I can say that anyone who likes metal should give them a listen if they havn't.
The vocals at times are more extreme than many black/death vocals I've heard.
They also switch thier music up between songs so giving one or two songs a listen really isn't enough.

for the most part doom of any type bores the hell out of me. I went through a funeral doom phase for a while, but that while is over.
What's wrong with Low? It's probably their most diverse album, and with no Skolnick there is also minimal directionless shiny-guitar crap.

I mean, just look at its Metal-Archives average review percentage, the ultimate source of metal opinions. Clearly the majority of people side with my opinion, and you are therefore being the contrarian in this instance.

I listened to it once, got about halfway in before I fell asleep. Woke up when it was over and never listened to it again. I'll give it another listen later on tonight, but given that it's a Testament released in the 90s I suspect my initial reaction was correct.
How about you explain why you disagree or try to change my opinion if that's your thing?

Stoner doom especially is literally nothing more than low-talent Black Sabbath worship played by people who probably smoke more than they eat, with generally stupid lyrics to boot.

"Stoner doom" is such a ridiculously derogatory term, in my opinion. It usually refers to music that derives some influence from Sabbath, some from more retro-70s groove, and some from psychedelic music. In all honesty, the great musicians of the past century have smoked far more than the few "stoner doom" bands around today.

I really enjoy The Sword's most recent release, Warp Riders. Yes, it has childish lyrics; but the music is lots of fun to listen to. It's a great record.
Because there's no point listening to an average fucking band for one or two great songs when they're at least two dozen other thrash bands that are worth spending that time on.

Keep in mind that they were brought up in the context of a Kreator discussion.
I don't even know why we're still talking about Testament. I think we can all agree that they're third-tier thrash, at best second-tier.
Kreator, on the other hand, released 4 fucking awesome first-tier albums in a row.
The Legacy & The New Order >>> everything Kreator has done.

... and thats coming from someone who's been listening to both bands since the early 90's.

Whoopdefuckingdoo. I think Kreator shit all over Testament and I've been listening to both bands since the eighties, so therefore my opinion is more valid than yours.
I don't even know why we're still talking about Testament. I think we can all agree that they're third-tier thrash, at best second-tier.
Kreator, on the other hand, released 4 fucking awesome first-tier albums in a row.

So Endless Pain is unlistenable Venom worship and fucking awesome first-tier at the same time? Your posts confound me.