Controversial opinions on metal

By the way, I'll say this: I'd rather listen to a whole boatload of -core bands than a great deal of "trve" shit. Far as I'm concerned, EVERY subgenre has well done albums and every subgenre has a load of shitty ones, and just because something is "trve" or not doesn't affect my enjoyment thereof.

I'm a guy who has all sorts of obscure music in his library stretching from black metal to doom to ambient to goregrind and whatever else in the middle, and there are absolutely some -core albums frittering about that are fun to listen to when I'm in the right mood. Just because the band sells shirts at Hot Topic doesn't inherently mean it can't be good.

The bullshit is that there are people out there who let others decide their music for them. That includes people who avoid anything and everything that teenagers wear shirts of simply because they see teens wearing the shirts.
tbh I think a lot of people exaggerate the whole trve vs untrue thing. Those kinds exist, but they're pretty minor. Maybe on certain underground-80's-specific forums it's more common, but that comes with the territory. I don't think I've ever seen someone say "You like deathcore? -100 metalcred 4 u" outside of YouTube comments before.
It's not terrible here, but I think part of that too is that there seems to be such a small amount of vocal support for those types of bands. I did like seeing some people jazzed about Killswitch in the one thread though (although I'm not a KsE fan).
By the way, I'll say this: I'd rather listen to a whole boatload of -core bands than a great deal of "trve" shit. Far as I'm concerned, EVERY subgenre has well done albums and every subgenre has a load of shitty ones, and just because something is "trve" or not doesn't affect my enjoyment thereof.

I'm a guy who has all sorts of obscure music in his library stretching from black metal to doom to ambient to goregrind and whatever else in the middle, and there are absolutely some -core albums frittering about that are fun to listen to when I'm in the right mood. Just because the band sells shirts at Hot Topic doesn't inherently mean it can't be good.

The bullshit is that there are people out there who let others decide their music for them. That includes people who avoid anything and everything that teenagers wear shirts of simply because they see teens wearing the shirts.
What do you think you better than anyone else? Are you cooler because you listen to music by people dressing like ghetto black people?

Seriously no one gives a fuck, music is just fucking taste I don't have to like every fucking genre in metal but I could care the fuck less if someone says i'm not a OR am a "trve" metalhead.

And your the fucking moron, there's a reason my sig says TROLOL
By the way, I'll say this: I'd rather listen to a whole boatload of -core bands than a great deal of "trve" shit. Far as I'm concerned, EVERY subgenre has well done albums and every subgenre has a load of shitty ones, and just because something is "trve" or not doesn't affect my enjoyment thereof.

I'm a guy who has all sorts of obscure music in his library stretching from black metal to doom to ambient to goregrind and whatever else in the middle, and there are absolutely some -core albums frittering about that are fun to listen to when I'm in the right mood. Just because the band sells shirts at Hot Topic doesn't inherently mean it can't be good.

The bullshit is that there are people out there who let others decide their music for them. That includes people who avoid anything and everything that teenagers wear shirts of simply because they see teens wearing the shirts.

Amen! Im not familiar with almost any deathcore stuff but I know what you mean and I feel the same way. For me it doesn matter if a band is regarded as untrue in the black metal milieu or if there is a general hatred towards a certain band or genre among the fans of, say death metal (since that is one of the main genres I listen to). And this also stretches over to other genres as well. I have come to a point where I really only care if the music gives me something.

I have no idea why EffigyForgotten write what he does though. Perhaps he's just trolling.
Angry teenagers screaming into the mic and guitarists who think they're better and more technical than they really are just annoy me, which is why I generally don't listen to core. However, there are exceptions. I just think metalcore generally just can't hold a candle to other sub-genres.

@KafkaX: Yeah I agree. He's a bit of an idiot really. Trolls should be perma-banned instantly. We don't need that shit.
This whole thread is a complete shitfest why the fuck are you blaming me? 2 pages of me fucking with you gullible bastards is enough so go back to you useless shitalking about metal bands/genres you don't like.
Angry teenagers screaming into the mic and guitarists who think they're better and more technical than they really are just annoy me, which is why I generally don't listen to core...

The biggest problem with some of these technical 'core' bands is they have technical skills but NO songwriting skills.

You can be the most technical musician in the world, but unless you can actually write SONGS you aren't worth a shit.
This whole thread is a complete shitfest why the fuck are you blaming me? 2 pages of me fucking with you gullible bastards is enough so go back to you useless shitalking about metal bands/genres you don't like.

You know what the definition of a troll is? A fucktard who says stupid shit and, as soon as he's called on it, starts going "NO I JUST TROLLED U LOLOLOL UR SO EASY". Like hanging out with a guy who lets something massively racist slip and then goes "no I was just kidding!"
No, that's the definition of someone that genuinely supported their initial argument and, in the wake of insurmountable logic and/or data, attempts to save face by claiming they were just pulling your leg. Trust me, EffigyForgotten was entirely serious.
I enjoy Enslaved's output from Monumension forward more than their older albums.

666 International and Supervillian Outcast are far more interesting than DHG's other albums.
No, that's the definition of someone that genuinely supported their initial argument and, in the wake of insurmountable logic and/or data, attempts to save face by claiming they were just pulling your leg. Trust me, EffigyForgotten was entirely serious.

You just repeated what I said, haha. My point was the word they use to hide behind all that is "troll".
No, you didn't say that at all, and you're not saying it now. No halfway-decent troll would admit to his trolling in such short time. He could simply be the shittiest and most inoffensive troll known to forumdom, but I doubt it. I think he was serious.