Controversial opinions on metal

That... is exactly what I'm saying. That it's someone saying something stupid and trying to cover their ass by going "LOL I WAS JUST TROLLING U" after they get called on it. Holy shit dude your reading comprehension is TERRIBLE.

Every self-proclaimed forum troll I have ever met is that way. They're fucktards with stupid opinions and then after they get enough shit heaped on them for being dumbasses they suddenly go "OH NO I DIDN'T ACTUALLY MEAN THAT IT WAS JUST TROLLING LOLOLOL I GOT U".
Where did I say that anywhere? My definition of a troll is someone that posts inflammatory content in hopes of annoying/offending others for his own amusement. A real troll is the opposite of a guy that says something racist and takes it back the next second. You're describing people that are PRETENDING to be trolls.
Where did I say that anywhere? My definition of a troll is someone that posts inflammatory content in hopes of annoying/offending others for his own amusement. A real troll is the opposite of a guy that says something racist and takes it back the next second. You're describing people that are PRETENDING to be trolls.

He said self proclaimed trolls. He isn't getting through to you though.
He said self proclaimed trolls. He isn't getting through to you though.

He only said "self proclaimed troll" in his most recent post, which is something significantly different from a troll.

EDIT: But fair enough, in my most recent post before this one I did overlook that.
That... is exactly what I'm saying. That it's someone saying something stupid and trying to cover their ass by going "LOL I WAS JUST TROLLING U" after they get called on it. Holy shit dude your reading comprehension is TERRIBLE.

Every self-proclaimed forum troll I have ever met is that way. They're fucktards with stupid opinions and then after they get enough shit heaped on them for being dumbasses they suddenly go "OH NO I DIDN'T ACTUALLY MEAN THAT IT WAS JUST TROLLING LOLOLOL I GOT U".

Stupid opinions? So what if I have a different opinion then the majority that makes me stupid?

Your a faggot anyways though just shut the fuck up already and I have one question for you, why do you have a comic book character flexing as your avatar? That is gay as fucking shit.
No, you didn't say that at all, and you're not saying it now. No halfway-decent troll would admit to his trolling in such short time. He could simply be the shittiest and most inoffensive troll known to forumdom, but I doubt it. I think he was serious.

This is literally the only thread I've tried to troll in my life... IMO, trolling is a way to see who the assholes who think they know everything are ;)

Oh and for the sake of the actual thread, I think entombed are boring as shit.
Stupid opinions? So what if I have a different opinion then the majority that makes me stupid?

Your a faggot anyways though just shut the fuck up already and I have one question for you, why do you have a comic book character flexing as your avatar? That is gay as fucking shit.

The reason I reacted to your post was because you didnt just say your opinion but that you felt the need to downgrade another user who posted his opinions in a good and calm way. Your reply to him was, and I quote, "What do you think you better than anyone else? Are you cooler because you listen to music by people dressing like ghetto black people? . . .And your the fucking moron. . ."

To fall back on personal insults is just a sign of bad charachter. Insetad of providing arguments you acted like a 3 year old in the sandbox at a playground. No wonder people didnt like you.

Again, stating different and controversial opinions is fine - this whole thread is full of them - but acting like an asshole isnt. Simple as that.
The reason I reacted to your post was because you didnt just say your opinion but that you felt the need to downgrade another user who posted his opinions in a good and calm way. Your reply to him was, and I quote, "What do you think you better than anyone else? Are you cooler because you listen to music by people dressing like ghetto black people? . . .And your the fucking moron. . ."

To fall back on personal insults is just a sign of bad charachter. Insetad of providing arguments you acted like a 3 year old in the sandbox at a playground. No wonder people didnt like you.

Again, stating different and controversial opinions is fine - this whole thread is full of them - but acting like an asshole isnt. Simple as that.
Nah he was being a smart ass and posting the usual bullshit towards posts like mine... I've seen comments almost exactly the same as the top comment on metallica videos...

Everyone can listen to whatever the fuck they want and not be judged, his post sounds like he was bragging about it.
Nah he was being a smart ass and posting the usual bullshit towards posts like mine... I've seen comments almost exactly the same as the top comment on metallica videos...

Everyone can listen to whatever the fuck they want and not be judged, his post sounds like he was bragging about it.

I think that lies in the way you read him because you had differing opinions. Read the post again that SomeGuyDude wrote. I already did and found nothing "smart ass" or "bragging" about it. And it sure as hell wasnt any bullshit.

This is what he wrote:

By the way, I'll say this: I'd rather listen to a whole boatload of -core bands than a great deal of "trve" shit. Far as I'm concerned, EVERY subgenre has well done albums and every subgenre has a load of shitty ones, and just because something is "trve" or not doesn't affect my enjoyment thereof.

I'm a guy who has all sorts of obscure music in his library stretching from black metal to doom to ambient to goregrind and whatever else in the middle, and there are absolutely some -core albums frittering about that are fun to listen to when I'm in the right mood. Just because the band sells shirts at Hot Topic doesn't inherently mean it can't be good.

The bullshit is that there are people out there who let others decide their music for them. That includes people who avoid anything and everything that teenagers wear shirts of simply because they see teens wearing the shirts.

Clear, concise and to the point. I see no attitude whatsoever in this post.
I think that lies in the way you read him because you had differing opinions. Read the post again that SomeGuyDude wrote. I already did and found nothing "smart ass" or "bragging" about it. And it sure as hell wasnt any bullshit.

This is what he wrote:

Clear, concise and to the point. I see no attitude whatsoever in this post.
He might as well of said, "___core is shit and I listen to real metal"...
effigyforgotten is this


shut up and get back on topic dingus
I agree with this. Reagers sounds like a fucking mental patient.

I enjoy Enslaved's output from Monumension forward more than their older albums.

666 International and Supervillian Outcast are far more interesting than DHG's other albums.

None of those opinions are controversial, and the flame war that has spanned the past 5 - 8 pages is the reason that I'm actually ashamed to be caught using the internet. I must be the biggest fucking loser in human history to have read any of that shit.

Back on topic: Kvelertak is criminally underrated.