Controversial opinions on metal

I've never listened to Pagan Altar

Is that bad?

I fucking do not like Death Angel, and I do not like Kreator. Period. They are both faggy wankery and total bullshit. I mean all of their albums.

Expand this statement to mean "thrash in general" and I'm right with you. I find it, as a whole, piss weak and not heavy at all.
Two threads in a row I've gone to now, and the last post is you in both, both posts causing me to question your sexuality.

Thrash as a whole is amazing. Fuck you. Death Angel and Kreator are not.

EDIT: Toward SomeGuy, not the some guy that posted while I was typing.
You're gonna have to help me figure out which subgenres are hetero and which aren't.

I dislike: thrash, prog, viking, folk, drone/funeral doom

I like: death, grind, black, sludge, normal doom

I'm ambivalent on: power, traditional

What's my score?
I dunno...timidly asexual?

Most controversially, after having listened to Cradle of Filth's new out of sheer boredom yesterday, I have to say it's a significant improvement from previous efforts. However, placing it under 'good music' or any other variation of the term is about as fitting as having rough sex to Jack Johnson.
I never got into Black Sabbath. I was always more into Maiden.
I had Paranoid but sold it. I just don't like Ozzy's vocals. Iommi writes good riffs, but yeah, I just don't like 'em. Yet I love Cathedral!
I've seen Sabbath live (at festivals) twice, and just found them a bit dull.
Almost my musical taste to a fucking T.

The whole viking/folk thing eludes me to a level I just can't even fully describe. I've tried many times to listen to supposedly iconic bands that play them, generally black/folk and viking/death, and at the end of it I'm usually either laughing or bored.

Thrash, I dunno. Something about its structure just never works for me.
I've never listened to Pagan Altar

Is that bad?

Nah, I was late to the party too. Check their shit out paggot.

The whole viking/folk thing eludes me to a level I just can't even fully describe. I've tried many times to listen to supposedly iconic bands that play them, generally black/folk and viking/death, and at the end of it I'm usually either laughing or bored.

Thrash, I dunno. Something about its structure just never works for me.

The problem with thrash bands are they almost always have horrible vocalists and the music has no depth and is boring.
I've heard a COUPLE I like, but it's usually because they combine the sound with other genres. Goatwhore is enjoyable although not a band I run toward, and I've tried some of the titans of the genre but never really got into them.
I like this whole "guess my sexual preference based on my tastes" thing. Let's find out if I'm a closet homo:

Love: brutal death, melodic death, symphonic black, tech and prog death, OSDM, power metal, traditional metal

Like: metalcore, thrash, raw BM, traditional doom, doom death, groove metal, folk metal, grind

Hate: Any "retro-revival" band (especially the thrash ones), most deathcore, most nu metal, most SDBM, most progressive metal, most operatic/symphonic/goth metal, drone doom, most ambient BM

I guess I like more than I hate...
I like this whole "guess my sexual preference based on my tastes" thing. Let's find out if I'm a closet homo:

Love: brutal death, melodic death, symphonic black, tech and prog death, OSDM, power metal, traditional metal

Like: metalcore, thrash, raw BM, traditional doom, doom death, groove metal, folk metal, grind

Hate: Any "retro-revival" band (especially the thrash ones), most deathcore, most nu metal, most SDBM, most progressive metal, most operatic/symphonic/goth metal, drone doom, most ambient BM

I guess I like more than I hate...

Well you've got brutal death in the loves, but a lot of bands that probably have like flutes and shit in them. We'll have to consult divine_torture here but I'm taking a guess that you have a couple experiences in your past that you don't really regret but pretend to just to save face.