Controversial opinions on metal

I saw them live. Was worse than hearing a flat Lajon Witherspoon (Sevendust) following up his sickening pandering to BLS fans. Like untrained apes on a stage with instruments.
I... KINDA like that Suicidal Tendencies song, but honestly it's more a mild amusement than anything. I've never understood how they're a band with decades+ of a legacy. Them and Biohazard. No clue.
Mercyful Fate > King Diamond. But then again, this isnt controversial.

Dio is decent, not anything to get too excited about in my opinion. Ill rock out to them every so often...But, ill take Ozzy's vocals (in is prime years) over Dio any fucking day, no doubt.

Suicidal Tendencies cannot be taken seriously, for the sake of ones sanity. Its absolute garbage.
ST has some great songs and very good albums, but there is always a few fillers that can ruin things. How WIll I Laugh Tomorrow, Lights Camera Revolution, and Controlled by Hatred are worth hearing. Everything else is pretty mediocre to atrocious.

Stick with the mid-era thrash crossover albums, not the punk ones.
Fear of the Dark is Iron Maiden´s best album

Facing the Animal is Yngwie Malmsteen´s best album

Blizzard Beasts is Immortal´s best

A Sceptics Universe by Spiral architect is a masterpiece
Quick, someone explain to me why I'm supposed to worship King Diamond instead of being completely fucking annoyed and bored.

Listen to Abaigail. If you dont get it then just move on. I think that album is one of the best melodic metal albums made - ever. Everything is great. The songwriting and the lyrics, all the performers are top notch. Seldom do I hear an album where every instrument really intrigues me as this one does. Everything is amazing from the drums and the bass to guitars and vocals. The keyboards are used just right as well.

I understand that the vocals take time to get used to - it was the same for me. Its worth sticking with and keep trying though because the King is pretty darn awesome in his own right.

Not liking Dio doesn't even make sense. Like, I can't really understand how someone could not like Dio. I thought it was one of the common threads that held humanity together. You, sir, have shattered my world.

Dio was a fantastic vocalist. However I have never been floored by the actual songs. Its just not really my thing for whatever reason. For me his stuff is like Iron Maiden. I understand why people like it but it doesnt quite strike me like it does others.
Listen to Abaigail. If you dont get it then just move on. I think that album is one of the best melodic metal albums made - ever. Everything is great. The songwriting and the lyrics, all the performers are top notch. Seldom do I hear an album where every instrument really intrigues me as this one does. Everything is amazing from the drums and the bass to guitars and vocals. The keyboards are used just right as well.

I understand that the vocals take time to get used to - it was the same for me. Its worth sticking with and keep trying though because the King is pretty darn awesome in his own right.

Well, that's the album I was listening to. I'll give it a few more spins and try my old death metal approach, which is completely ignoring the vocals and concentrating on the instruments and seeing if I get it.

Dio was a fantastic vocalist. However I have never been floored by the actual songs. Its just not really my thing for whatever reason. For me his stuff is like Iron Maiden. I understand why people like it but it doesnt quite strike me like it does others.

Are you talking specifically about his solo material? I'll concede that the songs were usually weaker but he still had some amazing songs. Rainbow Rising and the Black Sabbath stuff is pretty damn killer imo. But then again, I have a massive erection for Dio because I think he's arguably the best vocalist of all time and tend to fall in love with most of his stuff so take my comments with a grain of salt.

Although I will say this song is a massive load of fucking epic doominess:

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I concur with KR re: King Diamond. He is right next to Halford, Tardy and Warble Dane on the list of untenable vocalists.

The problem is that all four of those vocalists are in instrumentally elite bands. Even Obituary, for all their knuckle dragging simplicity, still shit all over a majority of death metal bands, past and present.

Not liking Dio doesn't even make sense. Like, I can't really understand how someone could not like Dio. I thought it was one of the common threads that held humanity together. You, sir, have shattered my world.

Don't fret, it's like trying to understand why someone would want to be a vegan, a Mormon, or a Broncos fan.

I would have just told Kafkax that he has shit taste, but I guess I have some tact unlike Effigy here.
Let's see what counts as controversial in this bizaro world of UM2012:

Ozzy Osbourne's vocals on the early Black Sabbath material are perfect for the sound.

Obituary is great, classic death metal that continues the legacy of Hellhammer and Celtic Frost by bringing it into new territory.

Straight thrash metal, unmixed with other genres, is the style at its best, e.g. Bonded by Blood, Mind Wars, Terror Squad, Hell Awaits, Infernal Overkill, History of a Time to Come.
Let's see what counts as controversial in this bizaro world of UM2012:

Ozzy Osbourne's vocals on the early Black Sabbath material are perfect for the sound.

Obituary is great, classic death metal that continues the legacy of Hellhammer and Celtic Frost by bringing it into new territory.

Straight thrash metal, unmixed with other genres, is the style at its best, e.g. Bonded by Blood, Mind Wars, Terror Squad, Hell Awaits, Infernal Overkill, History of a Time to Come.

I see what you did there.
I would consider Hell Awaits and Infernal Overkill the best of those albums listed and they're almost proto-death so...guess I'd have to disagree.
Fear of the Dark is unbelievably pedestrian, to the point that I routinely forget it exists. Good song, great for concerts, but that's it.