Controversial opinions on metal

oh come on. FotD and NPftD both feature some great songs and are entirely listenable, unlike the two Blaze albums which have about 3 great songs between them.

Brave New World to Final Frontier also have some good songs, but are pretty much useless.
I'll never understand people that settle for the mediocrity of later Maiden/Priest/Sabbath albums when those bands have released multiple truly worthwhile releases that should satisfy any reasonable addiction for years. In fact I can think of very few bands (though Sabbath is one of them) with more than 3 albums I'd want to keep coming back to.
I don't think there's a Maiden album I like completely. There are some killer songs on all of their albums, but not albums. And while that sounds like an obvious statement since hardly any bands ever released flawless albums, I will go even further and say Iron Maiden albums are mostly filled with shit sans a gem or two or three on each album. Example: The only song I like off of Seventh Son is the title track.
I'd say Dance of Death is one of their best and most consistent, and Final Frontier kicks ass, but I've tried and just can't get into Matter of Life and Death.
Brave New World is a fantastic album. It's underrated because it wasn't released in the 80s, but it seriously kicks ass. Definitely a few off moments on there, but I'd put it up there with anything else they've done. I also think the debut is overlooked.

Controversial opinion: The Number of the Beast is overrated. Not a bad album, but I wouldn't even put it in their top 5. It gets all the attention because of the name and the artwork.
Controversial opinion: The Number of the Beast is overrated. Not a bad album, but I wouldn't even put it in their top 5. It gets all the attention because of the name and the artwork.

Yeah, I'd agree with that. It's got some great tunes on it but its not one of my favourites. I'd say Piece of Mind is their best.
I would consider Hell Awaits and Infernal Overkill the best of those albums listed and they're almost proto-death so...guess I'd have to disagree.

1) The phrase "almost proto-death" is gibberish. Destruction and Slayer are most certainly purely thrash metal regardless of their influences and relevance to the discussion of other genres. For the same reason that Venom and be spoken of coherently and in a non-contradictory manner in a discussion of heavy metal, speed metal, black metal, or thrash metal.

2) My point was that it is now the norm on this forum for people to disagree with what I said.
1) The phrase "almost proto-death" is gibberish. Destruction and Slayer are most certainly purely thrash metal regardless of their influences and relevance to the discussion of other genres. For the same reason that Venom and be spoken of coherently and in a non-contradictory manner in a discussion of heavy metal, speed metal, black metal, or thrash metal.

2) My point was that it is now the norm on this forum for people to disagree with what I said.

I disagree.
If i was to only listen to one maiden album from here on it would definately be Fear of the Dark. I wouldnt even stop to consider another album over it.
1) The phrase "almost proto-death" is gibberish. Destruction and Slayer are most certainly purely thrash metal regardless of their influences and relevance to the discussion of other genres. For the same reason that Venom and be spoken of coherently and in a non-contradictory manner in a discussion of heavy metal, speed metal, black metal, or thrash metal.

2) My point was that it is now the norm on this forum for people to disagree with what I said.

When are you going to realize Show No Mercy is Slayer's best album, and not that Hell Awaits crap?
Anybody who wastes times splitting hairs between classic Slayer albums is a douche anyway. It's not an either/or.
A lot of people seem to dislike Hell Awaits and I just don't get it. True, it doesn't quite have the energy of Show No Mercy or the ferocity of Reign In Blood, but it makes up for it with superior songwriting and atmosphere. Damn that album has some serious atmosphere.