Controversial opinions on metal

Music is not a race! And who really judges an album on how much thrash it is? I judge albums on whether they are good or not. If MoP had no thrash in it it could still be awesome. Do you think they went for intensity and rawness of the early thrash movement? Obviously not. Is it a thrash record? I would say classic 2nd generation thrash. The stuff most of the bigger bands developed into doing (Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax, Testament etc). I usually call it "heavy thrash" as to point out how the heavy metal influences become more apparent.

I clearly said ' for being considered one of the greatest albums in thrash'. With that in mind, MoP it's lacking. As a sole 'metal' album, I still think it's not that good, it's inconsistent - all over the place; for being just 8 songs, the quality among them is really different - Orion and Lepper Messiah are clear fillers and then you have like 15 minutes thrown in the garbage?; The thing could be their 'heaviest' but it's extremely repetitive and boring doing so.

Anyway, I think that AJFA is superior in songwriting, aggression, melodies, consistency but also offering some variety without losing the whole picture. The only thing I think AJFA needed to be changed were some production choices.

Still, talking about Metallica nowadays is hardly controversial.

Here is another one: Both newest Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord albums are some of the shittiest that both bands have released, especially Drought it's incredibly mediocre.
Here is another one: Both newest Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord albums are some of the shittiest that both bands have released, especially Drought it's incredibly mediocre.

I'll go one further and say everything (that I've heard) they've released is shitty.

Listen to Legends of Evil and Eternal Death
Not really controversial, I just think you have bad taste and don't make sense at times.

How can RTL be better than KEA while KEA is the better than all of Metallica's material? o_O
I would retort if I didn't approve of your tastes.

Worded that rather poorly in my sleep-deprived state, I meant that RoL > MoP, AJFA or the black album. Yes, the big four is obviously the first four that they did, but I misused the term in my original post.

Please feel free to stone me in the stocks.

I agree with everything except for the Agalloch part. They aren't Black Metal. I just don't see enough traits.
Labelling Agalloch with a genre is a controversial opinion in itself. To me there's folk, doom, post-rock and black metal throughout their works, though you can't deny the black roots in Pale Folklore or any other of their early works.

- Megadeth have never released anything worth listening. Everything just sounds like Mustaine wankfest shredding to me.
- Satyricon are still good. I really enjoyed The Age of Nero, although Satyr is hilarious in the video for Black Crow on a Tombstone.
- I find the vast majority of brutal death metal/deathgrind to be unlistenable. comeatmebro.jpg
Metallica's Black Album is what introduced me to metal, sadly, due to timing and circumstance/environment. I still love the Black Album, too, just not as much as Justice (production issues aside). I view them now as "the uncle who was awesome when I was a kid but became a drunken degenerate as I got older".

A few folks have mentioned Electric Wizard and I don't like em. I like Doom and Stoner metal a lot but I do not get Wizard. Nor will I. Ever.

And Ozzy Sabbath is the only Sabbath.
Ozzy Sabbath may be the only Sabbath, but Heaven & Hell stomps the shit out of Ozzy solo. Shows who the actual talent was in the band, IMO.
Much of what Sabbath did after Ozzy is substantially better than the last 2-3 albums with Ozzy. After Ozzy it was practically a different band,though.
anyone limiting themselves to just Ozzy Sabbath is severely missing out on some terrific metal. Born Again, Eternal Idol, Headless Cross, Tyr, Cross Purposes are all worth owning
Good luck actually finding their releases on IRS records though. Those are actually fairly hard to find/expensive compared to everything else. (Headless Cross, TYR, Cross Purposes, Forbidden)

Heaven and Hell and Headless Cross are my favorite Sabbath albums, personally.
Disturbing the Priest is the greatest Black Sabbath song but I'm not quite sure if Born Again is my favorite album. Gotta go with something obligatory like Paranoid or Master of Reality. Headless Cross is also an excellent album, though.

...the quality among them is really different - Orion and Lepper Messiah are clear fillers and then you have like 15 minutes thrown in the garbage?

Fillers relative to the best songs, maybe, but I don't see how anyone can listen to any song on it and say they're notably more fillery than what a number of other highly-esteemed albums contain.
I clearly said ' for being considered one of the greatest albums in thrash'. With that in mind, MoP it's lacking. As a sole 'metal' album, I still think it's not that good, it's inconsistent - all over the place; for being just 8 songs, the quality among them is really different - Orion and Lepper Messiah are clear fillers and then you have like 15 minutes thrown in the garbage?; The thing could be their 'heaviest' but it's extremely repetitive and boring doing so.

Still, who cares if others have labeled it a classic thrash album even though its clearly not 1st generation thrash? That doesnt matter in my enjoyment of the album and it isnt a notion that makes me question the music on the album at all. People say stupid shit all the time. Then its way worse when people claim that Lars Ulrich is among the top drummers in the world. Sure, he's with the most successful metal band ever but that defintely doesnt make him good.

As for how the songs stand up thats obviously an individual opintion. I was never a huge Metallica fan but I dont feel like MOP have any filler. In fact when I discovered the album one of my favorite songs from it was Leper Messiah
Even The Devil you Know beats the shit out of Technical Ecstasy and Never say Die... I'll go further saying that Dio Sabbath, Tyr and Headless Cross are even better than Sabotage. Also, Ozzy is the least important thing on the quality of the first Sabbath albums.

About Agalloch, while I understand what people see on their music, I've never been a fan of it. Pale Folklore was the first thing I heard of them in the late 90's and it sounded pretty much like a lighter Bergtatt (In fact, I used to say that Agalloch = early Ulver + Empyrium). What came after was kinda better but, for example, the vocals has been always bad IMO. Marrow sounds like shit and Faustian is another subpar effort. Well, It's noticeable the huge difference in quality from their full lenghts to their ep's. The grey, Tomorrow will never come and Faustian are very mediocre compared to the full albums too.

Some things that I think Agalloch lost just after Pale Folklore (The Mantle, Ashes) were the dynamics and intensity. Like Drudkh, they got a 'formula' of post-rock/black stuff that is usually pleasing to both the metalheads and people getting into it (especially the latter, like Fen or Alcest), releasing some stuff that was too similar. Both Mantle and Ashes suffer from this, since the songs on those albums are very, very similar to each other and since the mood and intensity it's also the same, those albums feels like a one continuous (and boring sometimes) song, developing the same ideas over and over (The Mantle has 1 good song tho, being I am The Wooden Doors).

I know this won't be shared by so much, since the Agalloch fanbase is pretty rabid, but anyway.

Last thing about Metallica: RTL is a way better album than MoP, not just the songs are better, but the album as a whole feels more coherent.

Not that controversial IMO, but Woods of Ypres was from start to finish a piece of shit, including the last album (5). The lyrics of many songs are incredibly laughable too.

Another 'controversial' thing: Opeth live nowadays it's fucking boring.
Even The Devil you Know beats the shit out of Technical Ecstasy and Never say Die... I'll go further saying that Dio Sabbath, Tyr and Headless Cross are even better than Sabotage. Also, Ozzy is the least important thing on the quality of the first Sabbath albums.
Ozzy was important on the early efforts because his singing didn't get in the way of the riffs. He let the riffs breathe which was so damned important, I don't see that working out the same way with Dio or the others. That said, I'm a big fan of their later material as well.
I clearly said ' for being considered one of the greatest albums in thrash'. With that in mind, MoP it's lacking. As a sole 'metal' album, I still think it's not that good, it's inconsistent - all over the place; for being just 8 songs, the quality among them is really different - Orion and Lepper Messiah are clear fillers and then you have like 15 minutes thrown in the garbage?; The thing could be their 'heaviest' but it's extremely repetitive and boring doing so.

Anyway, I think that AJFA is superior in songwriting, aggression, melodies, consistency but also offering some variety without losing the whole picture. The only thing I think AJFA needed to be changed were some production choices.

Still, talking about Metallica nowadays is hardly controversial.

Here is another one: Both newest Deathspell Omega and Blut Aus Nord albums are some of the shittiest that both bands have released, especially Drought it's incredibly mediocre.

:lol: Master of Puppets is the greatest metal album of all time in my opinion. Nothing you've said about it makes any fucking sense at all, but whatever.

Schwärzung;10464340 said:
I would retort if I didn't approve of your tastes.

Worded that rather poorly in my sleep-deprived state, I meant that RoL > MoP, AJFA or the black album. Yes, the big four is obviously the first four that they did, but I misused the term in my original post.

Please feel free to stone me in the stocks.

kk, that makes sense, although I disagree.

edit: And to those who are talking shit about post-Ozzy Sabbath, stop being stupid and actually listen to the shit. What the fuck is wrong with you people? And btw, Mob Rules is better than Heaven and Hell, paggots.