Controversial opinions on metal

Of the first 3 full-lengths, Ashes Against the Grain is Agalloch's best. This might be controversial, but I don't care. Yes, it's not really metal in any meaningful way, and sure it's not terribly original. I don't care. It flows beautifully. Pale Folklore and The Mantle just strike me as unfocused and long-winded exercises in pretentious bullshit, but Ashes really hits the spot for me.
Ozzy and Dio Sabbath are the only incarnations of the band I like, MoP is my favorite Metallica album, and Pale Folklore is Agalloch's best, and considering my superior tastes, I think that settles those arguments.


I'm pretty sure nobody here that actually listens to Pantera (we are very few) appreciate FBD or GSTK appropriately enough. How could anyone who likes Pantera not enjoy these tracks?

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Of the first 3 full-lengths, Ashes Against the Grain is Agalloch's best. This might be controversial, but I don't care. Yes, it's not really metal in any meaningful way, and sure it's not terribly original. I don't care. It flows beautifully. Pale Folklore and The Mantle just strike me as unfocused and long-winded exercises in pretentious bullshit, but Ashes really hits the spot for me.

Ashes is what the band should be doing now and expanding on, but they're not. Agalloch already peaked and sounds past their prime.. And it's really to bad because they have not been around to long. I was expecting the band because they seem to take their time when writing material to put out amazing material for years to come. It's like they are out of ideas and basically had to change their sound, but what they are doing now is not really much of anything at all. It's not even a continuation or progression of what they were musically doing. I just don't really understand at all. I was really into their first three albums.
I'm pretty sure nobody here that actually listens to Pantera (we are very few) appreciate FBD or GSTK appropriately enough. How could anyone who likes Pantera not enjoy these tracks?

Yeah, for some reason Pantera gets a whole lot more bad press than they deserve from fans of extreme metal. I have no idea why. I grew up on "vulgar display of power", "far beyond driven" and "the great southern trendkill". Really good stuff"
Yeah, for some reason Pantera gets a whole lot more bad press than they deserve from fans of extreme metal. I have no idea why. I grew up on "vulgar display of power", "far beyond driven" and "the great southern trendkill". Really good stuff"

Yeah they got me into metal too. But now I cant stand them.

Over the years of constantly dealing with fanbois that think Dimebag was the greatest guitarist to ever walk the planet, and worshiped him like he was a fucking God, it fucking pissed me off...He was a good guitarist, fair enough, but hes not, to be exhalted to the heights fanbois take it to. This in turn made Pantera to be; "The best fucking metal band ever bro!" When...They arent. Same issue I have with Opeth and a lot of other bands.

Constantly dealing with this bullshit is atleast for me why Pantera, and a lot of others, have faded out of my playlists...
Over the years of constantly dealing with fanbois that think Dimebag was the greatest guitarist to ever walk the planet, and worshiped him like he was a fucking God, it fucking pissed me off...

Exactly. The guy is a 'good' guitar player, but nowhere past so, so many others I have heard, yet he is exalted to so many somehow. I don't really have issues with Pantera's music, but in discussion I'm far more likely to point out their flaws than another band I deem "so-so" simply due to how much unnecessary knob polishing they receive. Let's face it though, guy's that label Dimebag as a guitar god tend to have an extremely narrow outlook on music as a whole.
If what other people think about a certain band or type of music makes you not want to listen to them anymore, you are a fucking retard.

I still don't understand the Ozzy love, for starters he sings the same way ALL THE FUCKING TIME, Second, he sounds like a fucking drunk walrus, third, I can barley understand what the fuck he is saying when he is singing, but when hes talking I can't understand a SINGLE word. And don't forget everything hes done the past 10 years has obviously been auto-tuned, maybe even longer.

Heaven in hell is an amazing album in every way and dio matches the music way better than Ozzy would.

Say what you wan't about Dimebag, but the solos in cemetery gates, domination, floods etc are some of the best solos ever recorded, anyone who worships someone as a "god" is just fucking stupid so get over it.
I like Heaven & Hell and Dio Sabbath, but it does not compare to Master of Reality or the previous two Sabbath albums. And back in the day Ozzy could sing. Old Sabbath is better than Dio anyday.
Wasn't really trying to make a joke

I know, I just find it funny that you're so adamant and eager to point out someone's poor taste in music or whether or not a band is shit despite having some pretty suspect taste in music yourself. You can like what you want obviously, and I'm not going to rag you for it, but it is a bit like a pot and kettle situation.
Wat? Orion is a fucking killer song.. one of the best on the album.

For you, that's it. I think Battery, the title track and Damage Inc (and maybe Disposable) are the sole reasons that MoP is highly regarded. For example, I think Blackened from AJFA destroys half of MoP alone and that song was written with Newsted.

:lol: Master of Puppets is the greatest metal album of all time in my opinion. Nothing you've said about it makes any fucking sense at all, but whatever.

The greatest? there are so many excellent metal albums to choose one from Metallica as the greatest, but hey, it's your loss.

Wrong on all fucking counts.

Why? care to elaborate?

Of the first 3 full-lengths, Ashes Against the Grain is Agalloch's best. This might be controversial, but I don't care. Yes, it's not really metal in any meaningful way, and sure it's not terribly original. I don't care. It flows beautifully. Pale Folklore and The Mantle just strike me as unfocused and long-winded exercises in pretentious bullshit, but Ashes really hits the spot for me.

I understand that 'long-winded' feeling, especially with The Mantle. As I said, I think only I am the Wooden Doors it's a great song.

Ozzy was important on the early efforts because his singing didn't get in the way of the riffs. He let the riffs breathe which was so damned important, I don't see that working out the same way with Dio or the others. That said, I'm a big fan of their later material as well.

I don't feel that Dio is too distracting either, what happens is that Ozzy vocals are so shitty that you have to focus on the music. With Dio you can pay attention to the vocals AND enjoy the riffing as well. Ozzy had the luck to be on the right time when Iommi wrote those killer songs but I don't consider him a real factor to the Sabbath quality, which comes directly from Tony and Dio just stepped in when the NWOBHM/Priest were at the top, thus influencing in some degree to the songwriting style of the band.

Also, Ozzy solo career only have some good tracks because he had a great guitarist to wrote the stuff. Ozzy alone is complete unable to write a fucking decent song, even if his life is on the line. On the other hand, Dio was involved in the songwriting of all his solo material, which was metal from start to finish and quite consistent IMO.

In addition, someone here likes the pre-Cfh Pantera Material?
I know, I just find it funny that you're so adamant and eager to point out someone's poor taste in music or whether or not a band is shit despite having some pretty suspect taste in music yourself. You can like what you want obviously, and I'm not going to rag you for it, but it is a bit like a pot and kettle situation.

...I dont see the correlation on how liking bad pop music devalues someone's opinion on metal. They are completely different subjects, obviously, and I dont understand why people dont treat them as such...
Ashes is what the band should be doing now and expanding on, but they're not. Agalloch already peaked and sounds past their prime.. And it's really to bad because they have not been around to long. I was expecting the band because they seem to take their time when writing material to put out amazing material for years to come. It's like they are out of ideas and basically had to change their sound, but what they are doing now is not really much of anything at all. It's not even a continuation or progression of what they were musically doing. I just don't really understand at all. I was really into their first three albums.

Are you serious? I think Marrow is a much better and fresher sounding album than Ashes. I would also agrue Ashes the weakest of their full lengths (which isn't really saying anything bad, because they're all really good). But personally, I really like the direction they've gone with Marrow and Faustian Echoes and can't wait to see what they do next.