Controversial opinions on metal

...I dont see the correlation on how liking bad pop music devalues someone's opinion on metal. They are completely different subjects, obviously, and I dont understand why people dont treat them as such...

Because music is music, they aren't completely different subjects. Whatchu talkin bout? Liking good bands from genre X doesn't excuse your infatuation with insanely horrible and mediocre bands from pretty much every other genre.
I like Heaven & Hell and Dio Sabbath, but it does not compare to Master of Reality or the previous two Sabbath albums. And back in the day Ozzy could sing. Old Sabbath is better than Dio anyday.

While I love early Sabbath, I just connect with Dio-era Sabbath much more. There's just something very genuine, authentic and candid about Dio's vocals and delivery. It's simultaneously very manly, but also emotionally candid, which I find to be a rare combination. I also find the music more textured since Dio's vocals provide more of a counterpoint to Iommi's riffs, while Ozzy's vocals tend to mimic Iommi's riffs. Ultimately, both vocalists work for the music Sabbath were creating at the time.
Yeah they got me into metal too. But now I cant stand them.

Over the years of constantly dealing with fanbois that think Dimebag was the greatest guitarist to ever walk the planet, and worshiped him like he was a fucking God, it fucking pissed me off...He was a good guitarist, fair enough, but hes not, to be exhalted to the heights fanbois take it to. This in turn made Pantera to be; "The best fucking metal band ever bro!" When...They arent. Same issue I have with Opeth and a lot of other bands.

Constantly dealing with this bullshit is atleast for me why Pantera, and a lot of others, have faded out of my playlists...

This happens to any band that reached some kind of popularity. And when it also happens that someone dies they usually ebcome bigger than what they were. Its the way things are and really doesnt affect my enjoyment of their music. I get annoyed with the people claiming such things not with the musician.

Are you serious? I think Marrow is a much better and fresher sounding album than Ashes. I would also agrue Ashes the weakest of their full lengths (which isn't really saying anything bad, because they're all really good). But personally, I really like the direction they've gone with Marrow and Faustian Echoes and can't wait to see what they do next.

How different ones opinions can be. I think "ashes" had a magical feeling to it while the two recent releases were a bunch of "meh". All the magic was gone from both "marrow" and "faustian" when it comes to my personal enjoyment of them.
Because music is music, they aren't completely different subjects. Whatchu talkin bout? Liking good bands from genre X doesn't excuse your infatuation with insanely horrible and mediocre bands from pretty much every other genre.

People like different genres for different reasons - they serve different purposes for different people...

I don't listen to rap music for the same reason I listen to sadcore, much the same I don't listen to metal for the same reason I listen to pop music.

They are completely and totally unrelated when determining 'quality of taste' or whatever in regards to a specific genre. I know plenty of people who like really good metal, but then listen to really shitty punk like Star Fucking Hipsters and The Exploited.

I don't suddenly devalue their metal opinion because they like really fucking bad punk...

Why should my pop music taste devalue my metal taste?
How different ones opinions can be. I think "ashes" had a magical feeling to it while the two recent releases were a bunch of "meh". All the magic was gone from both "marrow" and "faustian" when it comes to my personal enjoyment of them.

Ashes has some great songs on it, but it's a little too glossy in the production department. I really don't have any other major criticisms of it. Limbs doesn't blow me away, but the other songs are all stellar.

Marrow just has a very raw and naturalistic ambiance to it that really captures a specific environment (a cold, wet forest in late autumn, early winter) in a way that very few albums do. But yeah, I don't have much of a tangible reason for why I think it's better other than that it clicks with me more.
People like different genres for different reasons - they serve different purposes for different people...

I don't listen to rap music for the same reason I listen to sadcore, much the same I don't listen to metal for the same reason I listen to pop music.

They are completely and totally unrelated when determining 'quality of taste' or whatever in regards to a specific genre. I know plenty of people who like really good metal, but then listen to really shitty punk like Star Fucking Hipsters and The Exploited.

I don't suddenly devalue their metal opinion because they like really fucking bad punk...

Why should my pop music taste devalue my metal taste?

I'm not saying your taste is devalued at all. My point is people like bands others think are shit and vice versa, it really shouldn't matter that much. The interesting thing to me is your willingness to be vocal about someone else's taste and whether or not you think it's good or bad, which is essentially devaluing their taste. I mean you say you aren't being judgmental, but you are.
I am arguing that peoples taste in 'genre x' should only be judged due to their taste in 'genre x' not 'genre x, y, z, and q'
I wish Ozzy died instead of Dio.
The only person who would possibly disagree with that is Ozzy himself.

As for Pantera...Cowboys is excellent. Vulgar Display of Power has a few good songs but the tough guy posturing is really overdone. Far Beyond Driven is pretty much the worst parts of Vulgar, expanded and worsened, with one of the most obnoxious guitar tones I've ever heard. The Great Southern Trendkill is probably their most artistically valid work, and I don't regret the listens I've given it, but there's nothing on there that's actually good, musically speaking. Reinventing the Steel is their most consistent effort after Cowboys. Nothing amazing, but fairly solid riffs, Anselmo isn't as obnoxious as on previous albums, and the production isn't terrible. Solid album.

The worst thing about Pantera is the influence Dimebag had on guitar tones. I cannot fucking stand his tone, both for lead and rhythm, but it's everywhere.
In before EffigyForgotten argues "What? I'm not saying that I want Ozzy to die; it's merely to express how much I wish Dio was still alive. Wouldn't a person wish that a stranger died in lieu of their mother?" and then some idiot that doesn't know how forums work calls him a troll again, which Effigy once again wholeheartedly accepts.
In before EffigyForgotten argues "What? I'm not saying that I want Ozzy to die; it's merely to express how much I wish Dio was still alive. Wouldn't a person wish that a stranger died in lieu of their mother?" and then some idiot that doesn't know how forums work calls him a troll again, which Effigy once again wholeheartedly accepts.

Cool story bro.