Controversial opinions on metal


I'm tri-sexual actually.

The only person who would possibly disagree with that is Ozzy himself.

As for Pantera...Cowboys is excellent. Vulgar Display of Power has a few good songs but the tough guy posturing is really overdone. Far Beyond Driven is pretty much the worst parts of Vulgar, expanded and worsened, with one of the most obnoxious guitar tones I've ever heard. The Great Southern Trendkill is probably their most artistically valid work, and I don't regret the listens I've given it, but there's nothing on there that's actually good, musically speaking. Reinventing the Steel is their most consistent effort after Cowboys. Nothing amazing, but fairly solid riffs, Anselmo isn't as obnoxious as on previous albums, and the production isn't terrible. Solid album.

The worst thing about Pantera is the influence Dimebag had on guitar tones. I cannot fucking stand his tone, both for lead and rhythm, but it's everywhere.

I've never had a problem with Dime's guitar tone. The only thing that bugged me about Pantera, production-wise, was that Phil Anselmo fucking layered his vocals way too much. I hate an album where the vocals never let up and let the instruments breathe a little.
Pantera could have done without trailer-trash Phil. I still love Cowboys though, and they have their moments on other albums for sure (I even own an old Pantera t-shirt). However, what I cannot stand is shit like this:

"I fucked your girlfriend last night"

O rly? I'd like to do the same but I can't travel to the Ozarks right now.
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This is such teen wank bullshit.
Ozzy sang on 6 worthwhile albums in his entire career, before going on to create the shitshow that is Ozzfest, star in a reality TV show, and generally become an embarrassment to both the legacy of Black Sabbath, and metal in general. Yes, those first 6 included some of the best albums ever, but he didn't write the music or the lyrics, and while his vocals on them were great, he receives far too much credit for it. He hasn't done anything worthwhile since 1974.

Dio performed on a shitload of excellent albums between Rainbow, Sabbath, and his solo career. His singing was absolutely phenomenal, and his influence on the genre is undeniable. He continued to produce worthwhile music right up till his death.

In summary, why don't you pour yourself a nice tall glass of go suck a bag of dicks.
Yeah why doesn't life-length depend on influence your life had on metal :( *sad_baby_face*
Gotta agree with waif here. I'm not the biggest Dio fan, but stack their careers against each other and he definitely has the more solid discography.
Nice to see this thread still going strong. Been more than a year since I last visited the forum. In any case, let me start some trouble...

- Esoteric & Evoken eat every other funeral doom band for breakfast.

- Cynic's Re-Traced and Carbon-Based Anatomy EPs have both been disappointments.

- Jeff Loomis is a better song writer and guitar player than Joe Satriani.
- Cynic's Re-Traced and Carbon-Based Anatomy EPs have both been disappointments.
I agree, not enough heavy parts and to much clean singing.

"- Jeff Loomis is a better song writer and guitar player than Joe Satriani"

Not really, Jeff loomis has wrote some great songs but not as diverse as anything by Joe Satriani, honestly though there impossible to compare, Joe writes more melodic music and Jeff writes heavy ass metal with neoclassical solos.
Brutal Death Metal fucking sucks for the most part.

If you're not on board with neanderthal "primal" music it's just not gonna swing your way. I'm not gonna try to convince you to like it, just point out that, yeah, it's one of those genres that you either like or you don't. There's not gonna be like ONE brutal/slam band you like because they all operate on mostly the same template.
Not really, Jeff loomis has wrote some great songs but not as diverse as anything by Joe Satriani, honestly though there impossible to compare, Joe writes more melodic music and Jeff writes heavy ass metal with neoclassical solos.

I agree they are different and hard to compare and also that Satriani is more diverse. But for my part, when it comes to song writting I find Loomis' work better done and less "meandering" than Satriani's. I also prefer Loomis' guitar tone. Bear in mind that I do like Satriani.
Nice to see this thread still going strong. Been more than a year since I last visited the forum. In any case, let me start some trouble...

- Jeff Loomis is a better song writer and guitar player than Joe Satriani.


that is just plain retarded thinking but its certainly controversial, so it served the thread well.
If you're not on board with neanderthal "primal" music it's just not gonna swing your way. I'm not gonna try to convince you to like it, just point out that, yeah, it's one of those genres that you either like or you don't. There's not gonna be like ONE brutal/slam band you like because they all operate on mostly the same template.

Well said. And I think it's often the vocals that cause people to not like it. The vocals in brutal death/slam can be way fuckin' out there compared to other genres of metal. I for one love those vocals.
Definitely. Matti Way, John Huber, all those guttural mofos.

The one subgenre with vox I hate are all the pitch-shifted gore/pornogrind ones. That just sounds awful IMO. Weak, flat, limp.