Controversial opinions on metal

Definitely. Matti Way, John Huber, all those guttural mofos.

The one subgenre with vox I hate are all the pitch-shifted gore/pornogrind ones. That just sounds awful IMO. Weak, flat, limp.
Suffocation doesn't define BDM based off of today's standards. The old school shit like Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Afterbirth, Embrionic Death, and Internal Bleeding is kick ass.

Without Suffocation, Cryptopsy, Dying fetus etc there would be no "modern BDM"

I still think John Gallagher is the most brutal vocalist ever, and he doesn't do the bullshit "burp" sounds that most BDM bands do.
I agree they are different and hard to compare and also that Satriani is more diverse. But for my part, when it comes to song writting I find Loomis' work better done and less "meandering" than Satriani's. I also prefer Loomis' guitar tone. Bear in mind that I do like Satriani.
Jeff's tone has always sounded overgained/scooped to me at least before this godless endeavor.

This might not be controversial but Edge of sanity is BY FAR the best melodic death metal band I've ever heard, not saying much though because melodeath is slowly becoming my favorite genre. Also, Arch enemy sucks huge fucking donkey nuts, the singing is just so terrible yet they remain so popular... Even the original vocalist was mediocre, they should of just had Jeff walker as the vocalist.
Jeff's tone has always sounded overgained/scooped to me at least before this godless endeavor.

This might not be controversial but Edge of sanity is BY FAR the best melodic death metal band I've ever heard, not saying much though because melodeath is slowly becoming my favorite genre. Also, Arch enemy sucks huge fucking donkey nuts, the singing is just so terrible yet they remain so popular... Even the original vocalist was mediocre, they should of just had Jeff walker as the vocalist.

Its hardly controversial that Angela Gossow has weak vocals. However loads of people lover her - you know because she is a chick. Thats how the world works.

When it comes to Edge of Sanity they had ridiculously high tops (Crimson!) but were very uneven. Very often I find albums hard to listen to because of the shifting quality even within the albums themselves. My favorites are however "Crimson" (not controversial) and "Infernal" (more controversial).
Its hardly controversial that Angela Gossow has weak vocals. However loads of people lover her - you know because she is a chick. Thats how the world works.

When it comes to Edge of Sanity they had ridiculously high tops (Crimson!) but were very uneven. Very often I find albums hard to listen to because of the shifting quality even within the albums themselves. My favorites are however "Crimson" (not controversial) and "Infernal" (more controversial).
What do you mean by shifting quality? Like the songs get worse? I guess that's somewhat true.
There's not gonna be like ONE brutal/slam band you like because they all operate on mostly the same template.

I might have to disagree. I think Devourment might fall under this exception. I know plenty of people who love Devourment, but dont like Slam.

Well said. And I think it's often the vocals that cause people to not like it. The vocals in brutal death/slam can be way fuckin' out there compared to other genres of metal. I for one love those vocals.

I think a lot of metalheads turn away from Slam without even giving it proper attention to make a opinion, because they think Slam is waterered down Death Metal loosing its purity, getting a little to close to deathcore...I dunno, Im probably talking outta my ass. Happens frequently.

The one subgenre with vox I hate are all the pitch-shifted gore/pornogrind ones. That just sounds awful IMO. Weak, flat, limp.

Fuck that shit, those vocals are one of the main reasons I listen to Goregrind. Fucking love that shit.
Devourment is the main influence when it comes to brutal slam death metal. It's not like Devourment doesn't use slam breakdowns, c'mon.

Btw, I think the Cynic reunion was mostly worthless. I like Evolutionary Sleeper a lot and the fact the guys are playing the Focus material live it's also great, but their output has been pretty meandering.
In the Pete Sandoval thread people started discussing Necrophagist. Seems like my opinion on them is a little controversial. I regard Epitaph as the clearly better album of the two they have released so far. I actually have a hard time listening to the whole "onset of putrefaction" - the debut album.

What do you mean by shifting quality? Like the songs get worse? I guess that's somewhat true.

Yes, the quality is shifting. One song may be excellent and another pretty dull and all on the same album. Some bands release good albums and bad albums. Edge of Sanity managed to almost always put out albums which had both excellent and dull material on them.
In the Pete Sandoval thread people started discussing Necrophagist. Seems like my opinion on them is a little controversial. I regard Epitaph as the clearly better album of the two they have released so far. I actually have a hard time listening to the whole "onset of putrefaction" - the debut album.

Yes, the quality is shifting. One song may be excellent and another pretty dull and all on the same album. Some bands release good albums and bad albums. Edge of Sanity managed to almost always put out albums which had both excellent and dull material on them.

I like onset better because the riffs are obviously heavier, and the tone on the album is much better than the dry tone of epitaph. Now, I love both but onset is just overall better, the only thing that Epitaph has over onset is christen muenzer :)