Controversial opinions on metal

Stoner Doom Metal is a load of boring crap. Traditional doom metal, especially Saint Vitus and the right Trouble albums crap all over it. I've never understood why it got so popular, especially compared to trad doom. It all sounds the same and it all sucks. I suppose some label SV as being stoner doom. I don't know, but the bands more specifically associated with that label, like Sleep and EW are pretty much boring to me.

Sort of in agreement. EW just sucks stone age balls, man. I do not understand the appeal of that band. Other than Dopesmoker, I don't really like Sleep or the two bands born out of Sleep. Cathedral is worthless as well.

However, Acrimony and Church of Misery (if you want to classify them as such) rock the house. Maybe Orange Goblin too
New Ignivomous shits on new Incantation from a bridge. New Incantation is actually average. It IS Incantation, but I'd always rather pick some older album to listen to.
The only thing that Death Metal has a upper hand in when compared to Black Metal, is the crowd. Ive found that I fucking hate going to Black Metal shows because it seems as if everyone is a fucking elitist prick. Fights always break out (more so than usual), you DO NOT get picked up when youve fallen down in the pit, and Ive had more beers knocked out of my hands then I ever care to think about...
I don't really go to gigs anymore so I don't really care what the fanbase is like. I do know that the people at the Mayhem gig I went to three years ago were crazy as fuck. I legit thought I might get stabbed that night.
Death metal > Black metal.

... took care of that for ya bro, im pretty sure this is what you ment anyway right? :D

edit: I'v only been to two black metal shows, and one was back in 02 ... and both times they were filled with a bunch of fucking little weirdos ... and none that would even come close to making someone feel phsyically threatened. Couldn't even enjoy it with all those faggots around me, that's why i dont even bother going to black metal shows ... also i don't like all the theatrical bullshit most of those gigs have(or used to have?).