Controversial opinions on metal

Havok's Time is Up is as good as any thrash album from the big four that was released in the 80s.

Immolation is the best American Death Metal Band.
Havok's Time is Up is as good as any thrash album from the big four that was released in the 80s.

ye right, i can name you more than a handfull of newer thrash metal bands that have released better albums than Time is Up(which i quite like).

... i won't even get into comparing that album to the classics.

edit: but i will say that it's better than anything anthrax has ever done, and im fucking serious.
ye right, i can name you more than a handfull of newer thrash metal bands that have released better albums than Time is Up(which i quite like).

... i won't even get into comparing that album to the classics.

edit: but i will say that it's better than anything anthrax has ever done, and im fucking serious.

Anthrax is the most simple thrash band in existence, no solos, as a guitar player I just can't take them seriously...
and none that would even come close to making someone feel phsyically threatened.

How does this matter?

Black metal = death metal.

Going with this. I have had equal enjoyment from both of the genres, both have had stronger periods than the other, etc, however in the grand scheme of things I would never be dense enough to declare one over the other.
How does this matter?

... ummm, read the post right before that one and hopefully you'll be able to figure it out.

Bullshit, no new thrash band has released anything better than Time is Up...the closest is Evile's Five Serpent's Teeth.

LOLOLLLLLL!!! Evile? :lol:

Honestly, im not sure if you're just fucking around or actually being serious.
... ummm, read the post right before that one and hopefully you'll be able to figure it out.

LOLOLLLLLL!!! Evile? :lol:

Honestly, im not sure if you're just fucking around or actually being serious.

I am serious, the album art is pathetic, but the music is awesome, cult , five serpent's teeth, Xaraya...the album is a thrash masterpiece!
here is a list of newer albums that shit all over Time is Up right off the top of my head ...

Vektor - Black Future
Vektor - Outer Isolation
Hexen - State of Insurgency
Hexen - Being and Nothingness
Exmortus - In Hatreds Flame
Witchaven - Terrorstorm
Fueled By Fire - Plunging Into Darkness
Fog of War - Fog of War
Violator - Chemical Assault
the last two Toxic Holocaust albums
...every Warbringer and Skeletonwitch album.

... and while Dekapitator isn't really new, both of their albums also shit all over Time is Up

im pretty sure if i sat down and actually tried to make a list i'd be able to at least find a good 15 to 20 thrash albums(from newer bands) that came out in the past 10 years that can easily top that album.

oh and nothing from evile or fucking dew scented touches Time is Up.

edit: Eviles first album was alright though.
I'll give you the Vektor albums...but nothing else you mentioned tops Havok's Time is up....soild releases from Toxic Holocauast though.
... ummm, read the post right before that one and hopefully you'll be able to figure it out.

Eh, I don't see the correlation to ones build and ones ability to stab someone at a show, but perhaps you meant they never had a physically threatening demeanor or attitude.
I've never even heard of any of these bands you guys are talking about :zzz:

I gave up on thrash along time ago, most of the bands considered "thrash" these days sound nothing like it, like at all. I just listened to "Vektor" and if you think this is thrash you must be on fucking cocaine, this is full on fucking black metal with "thrashy" riffs.
Eh, I don't see the correlation to ones build and ones ability to stab someone at a show, but perhaps you meant they never had a physically threatening demeanor or attitude.

.... o man, people like you fucking annoy me to the fullest. Not only are you trying to be some sort of fucking smart ass (on a music forum of all places) but you're just plain out wrong ... and im pretty sure you're the only person who couldnt understand or process my simple fucking statment ... "ones build" man what the fuck are you talking about? :lol:

yea, i mean cmon, we shouldnt expect anything less from this clown, lol.

your have a loooottt of homework to do son.

I'm not your fucking son.

Vektor is black metal, theres some thrash influence but they are definitely black metal.

"your have a loooottt of homework to do son"

Maybe you missed English class.. For like 10 years.
The only "current" thrash I listen to is the Thrash bands remaining from the 80's (Exodus, Megadeth, etc.), and bands like Nevermore that are kind of considered Thrash (even though NM ain't around no more)