Controversial opinions on metal

Everytime I heard Daudi Baldrs, I can't help but think of Warcraft II.

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Whats really funny is I didn't even listen to music until I was 9-10 years old, probably because before that all I heard was the shitty country/pop music my mom would play in the car, and then one day I heard ACDC and was amazed, and over a couple years I found out I was destined to be a metalhead... My family was really weirded out in the process to, even playing Metallica in the car they would shit their pants and say i'm turning into like an evil monster or something..

Wow bro none of went through anything similar to this. You're so unique. FUCK.

Also, whoever said anything burzum did in prison is better than his post prison output has their head pretty far up their own ass.
Wow bro none of went through anything similar to this. You're so unique. FUCK.

Also, whoever said anything burzum did in prison is better than his post prison output has their head pretty far up their own ass.

"Wow bro none of went through anything similar to this. You're so unique"

Please learn to speak English a bit better.

I was defending myself (and apparently others) from the guy who said most people get to be metalheads by hearing the overrated core bands.
This is bullshit. I have never listened to any terrible popular core band to get into metal, in fact, even when I just started listening listening to metal I thought all that shit sounded gay as fuck.

Your reading comprehension blows, dude. I said, twice, in that post that it's not a universal rule and yet here you are, going "NUH UH I DIDN'T DO THAT." Hey, congratulations. You're like a guy that walks through a minefield without dying telling all the dudes missing legs that minefields aren't dangerous.

Also, how old were you when the -core bands hit? I'm assuming you weren't 14 years old when Job for a Cowboy and Whitechapel hit it big (or maybe you were). The point is that "radio metal", whatever incarnation, tends to market REALLY well to disaffected teenagers.

I'm speaking out of friggin' experience here. I was a counselor for teenage boys with anger problems for about two years and so many of 'em had their Asking Alexandra, Bring me the Horizon, and Bullet for my Valentine shirts, and then we'd get talking music and they were interested in heavier stuff, so I made suggestions and then next thing you know they're raving about Suffocation or Goatwhore.

Maybe for YOU it was AC/DC, but how did you hear AC/DC? They aren't on the radio. They aren't blowing up YouTube. Obviously someone had to show em to you. For me, my first real metal was Dio and Priest because my stepdad had an old suitcase full of classic tapes but that sure ain't the usual.

TL;DR learn to read
Also, whoever said anything burzum did in prison is better than his post prison output has their head pretty far up their own ass.

Or they like other genres of music enough to enjoy good music in a non-metal genre over subpar metal? Not that Daubi Baldrs is really good, but the album to follow is certainly quality ambient.
Grunge was basically my gateway into rock and then metal. Does that make more more or less tr00 than someone that got into it via metalcore?

That was way more symphonic and epic sounding than anything from DB.

100 times this. Daudi baldrs is inoffensive, worthless muzak.
Grunge was basically my gateway into rock and then metal. Does that make more more or less tr00 than someone that got into it via metalcore?

I'd say it proooobably means you were getting into rock/metal about 10 years earlier than the -core scene, am I right?

All I'm saying, guys, is that commercialized metal ain't a bad thing. Metal made for the art's sake will never, ever ever ever land on top 40 radio, but as long as we've got bands that are shiny and slick enough to appeal to teenagers, it means they're gonna be on the right side of things.

Hell you know what the best part of the nu- era was? For like a year and a half, you had hard rock videos as #1 on TRL for weeks at a time. There were stretches where nu-metal videos were topping all the damn boy bands and Ricky Martin. Even if you didn't like those bands themselves, you had to admit it was pretty awesome that for once rock bands were on top of the world.
I'm way better than that faggot.
