Controversial opinions on metal

Daniel Heiman is the greatest singer alive and Lost Horizon was the greatest power metal band ever.
yes. No one in power metal can match that dude, and it has made me a power metal asshole

Okay if you don't like Cattle Decapitation you are not a true metalhead seriously... Other than a couple melodic parts in their songs ( VERY few TBH ) I don't see why they are considered progressive..

Their vocalist is fucking insane.
meh band. dumbass hilarious views
Skyclad is the true metalhead's alt metal band of choice.

Alt metal?

Skyclad are brilliant though. Everything through Vintage Whine is great with Prince of the Poverty Line being one of my absolute favorite metal albums. Folkemon is pretty solid, and despite not being on the same level as Walkyier's time in the band I do like Kevin Ridley-Skyclad a bit
I haven't heard everything they've done (mostly just familiar up to Irrational Anthems) but it was an epitome I had over a recent listening to Prince of the Poverty Line. Land of the Rising Slum was the particular moment; take away the woodblock hippie percussion and piano and you have a totally stereotypical groove/alt metal riff and sort of quasi-rapped verses. I totally love the song and album but the more I think about it, if you take away the violins and the members' connection to earlier bands (and make them sell twenty times the copies), the Metal-Archives peeps would totally snub their noses at them.
vital remains suck.
within the ruins is the only deathcore band needed in this world.
slaughterbox uses a drum machine.
I Remember is still a good song, but one of the weakest on A Social Grace, and that many think that the sparse minute of flute in that song and a couple others defines Psychotic Waltz more than anything else is pretty sad.
vital remains suck.
within the ruins is the only deathcore band needed in this world.
slaughterbox uses a drum machine.

Within The Ruins are shit, only good deathcore bands I've heard thus far are Acrania and Veil Of Maya. Gutteral Slug is also considered "deathcore" for whatever reason on metallum but I like them.
I'm starting to no longer support anything Opeth says or does, Mikael Akerfeldt said "extreme metal is dull" no Michael, Heritage is fucking dull, get you're damn facts straight. And that shit with Steven Wilson? Total "meh" fest.
A lot of extreme metal is very dull. And I don't mean in the sense that most of everything is mediocre or worse. Death metal may be the most diverse genre in the sense that more people have shat death metal vocals or blastbeats on X, Y, and Z and called it something new, but intra-band-wise it is the least dynamic.
I'm starting to no longer support anything Opeth says or does, Mikael Akerfeldt said "extreme metal is dull" no Michael, Heritage is fucking dull, get you're damn facts straight. And that shit with Steven Wilson? Total "meh" fest.

Opeth only have two DECENT albums anyway. I never understood why people fellate this band so hardcore when they constantly churn out boring and pompous lullaby music.
Opeth only have two DECENT albums anyway. I never understood why people fellate this band so hardcore when they constantly churn out boring and pompous lullaby music.

I wouldn't say that man, compared to similar bands like Agalloch and Alcest, they are much heavier and faster, so therefore, less like a churned out lullaby.
Wait, we are talking about the SAME Opeth, right? :lol: Alcest really aren't anything to write home about but Agalloch? Yes. Sorry but Agalloch shits all over Opeth.
Not sure if controversial or not, but Chris Broderick is the best guitarist to have played for Megadeth

For instance "betcha can't play this":

Marty Friedman (poor technique, standard stuff):

Chris Broderick (impeccable technique, great stuff):

Since when does technique/skill = best guitarist? Marty created solos like FUCKING TORNADO OF SOULS, I haven't heard a single solo from Chris that impressed me. And I've heard all of them.

Hell I would say Dave is a better guitarist then Chris too, he has solos like Wake up dead, Holy Wars, Burnt Ice, he can't fuck with that shit.