Controversial opinions on metal

Necrophagist doesn't do anything for me either. I do like Spawn of Possession's Cabinet though. I think that's the only modern-style tech-death album I enjoy.
Early Psycroptic hits a sweet spot for me. Other than that, there are plenty of names I can enjoy for short bursts, but ultimately the vast majority of tech death ends up being extraordinarily forgettable and boring.
On Modern Tech-Death. I'm not into guitarist's sweep picking for 30 minutes. There's no riffs or much in terms of song writing. Add the bands sound plastic/clicky and have overly digital production. Not my thing.
I like Gorod and Psycroptic before the most recent album.

Good bands IMO but they are definitely the pinnacle of what people think as "boring tech-death"

Soreption and Decapitated (not their last 2 albums, yuck) are easily the best tech-death bands out there IMO. They simply write better riffs than the rest :lol:
As someone who loves metal, most metal is forgettable.


95% of bands of all types are at best forgettable and at worst just plain shit. It's just a matter of digging around until you find the ones you like. Sure if you REALLY REALLY like a specific sound then you'll enjoy almost anything done in that style, but honestly.

I chew through albums as quickly as Spotify will let me, and frankly the vast majority of them I forget as soon as they're over. Even in genres I like and even when I liked the album itself.
I know right? People saying that shit just makes me fucking pissed, every type of music will always have bands that are complete shit and ones that are bust-a-nut good. He reminds me of a kid I knew in high school that told me he liked metal but only listened to Korn, Slipknot, Metallica and System of a down, saying literally everything else was shit and I was gay for listening to all of it.
LOL exactly. Every genre's got ten billion bands in it, so unless you're SUPER into that sound, the vast majority is gonna be tossed out the window.

Like, for example, I fucking love post metal. So I'll burn through everything and enjoy it all. But that's just because I really love that shit. I know that, out of 50 albums I'll listen to, maybe 5-10 are actually GOOD, and 3-5 are GREAT.

Hell, a lot of the time I'll listen to an album that I know isn't nearly as good as others just because I'd rather listen to something I haven't heard a million times already even if it's lower quality.
they are definitely the pinnacle of what people think as "boring tech-death"

:lol: you're so fucking off on that. Those are amongst two of the greatest, most respected tech-death bands around today and outside of the last Psycroptic album, you can't attach the word boring to anything they have done.

.... funny thing is, you go on to namedrop Decapitated after calling Psycroptic and Gorod "pinnacle of boring tech death":lol: Their discogrophy(outside of their debut, which isnt even really tech-death) would be the definition of what boring technical death metal is.
I'm not saying I don't like them man, they are really technical with less riffs that actually stand out, with not much groove or catchyness going on, this is my fucking opinion anyway, so blow me.
I would call it a shit album.

Maybe its just me but people on this board seem to rate bands higher than others that are most of the time clearly better, based on the fact they are less popular.

IMO between these 2 songs Babylons Pride is just way more catchy and memorable, the Gorod seems boring in comparison, I have to be in the mood to listen to bands like them.
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