Controversial opinions on metal

It's amazing this thread hasn't been locked in over a thousand pages of arguing and stupidity. Myself contributing to it plenty of times.

Any time I speak of someone's trueness or being a false, I'm definitely just being dumb by the way. (And I at least hope some of the others are too) I like plenty of popular and/or ridiculous shit.
It's amazing this thread hasn't been locked in over a thousand pages of arguing and stupidity. Myself contributing to it plenty of times.

Any time I speak of someone's trueness or being a false, I'm definitely just being dumb by the way. (And I at least hope some of the others are too) I like plenty of popular and/or ridiculous shit.

No one's accusing YOU of it, I don't think. More the others here who just instantly leap down the throat of someone who defends a mainstream band.

It's like people think you're either a mainstream trendhopper or you're a "true" metal listener. Like if you're in on the more "underground" scene you're not allowed to peek up top and check out what's going on up there.

Y'all have seen the albums I put up in the Albums thread. Pretty much any time I list an album there it's an album I've never heard before, which by now means 95% of what I listen to is pretty damn far from the mainstream (with the other 5% being albums that I just missed somehow), and yet still somehow when I defend a band like Tool or Suicide Silence someone pops up and screeches about how I'm some Hot Topic trendhopper.
Why do you think that is? And M_C must be up there too.

Sure I've been an asshole in the past but i'm going to act seriously from now on, as respect is more important.
IMO Suicide Silence is shit but they are still a metal band, so it doesn't make sense to insult someone for listening to them. People that are fans of them can be fucking complete faggots though.
I actually blocked effigy a while back for having a gif in his signature. Crashed the site when I was on my mobile and six gifs appeared on a single page. should probably unblock him now.

Controversial opinion:

Slaughter of the Soul > all other At the Gates
Well when I wasn't on my phone I was reading your posts. Just have to click view post.

Edit: and people here love the red in the sky for some reason.
well, to be fair...

I ain't saying anyone has to like 'em (and to be fair I only really like No Time to Bleed, Cleansing was paint-by-numbers deathcore and Black Crown is nu-core slop), but it just irks me when defend 'em and suddenly it's like my ability to enjoy underground shit is under question. Like it's IMPOSSIBLE to enjoy both.
the red in the sky is ours destroys slaughter of the soul. Alf leaving the band was the worst possible thing for them.

and for him too really - Oxiplegatz is kinda fucking strange.

It is quite clear that Alf and Anders needed one another to balance their bad aspects out a bit. Alf had his weirdness kept in check, and Anders had his desire for 'simplicity' kept in check.
Mort is a perfect example that liking non metal music has no impact on his opinion on metal...At least I see it that way...They have nothing to do with each other.

Slaughter of The Soul is ok...But TRitSiO is definitely not boring. Ill take this any day over SotS...

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i don't like much of any At the Gates stuff. the latter half of their career was unexciting and bland and the former half (particularly The Red) had some awkward and stilted songwriting.

Grotesque though are fucking great.

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