Poser Disposer
If they are not mid-paced thrash what is? What is a band that has a majority of songs slower than Megadeth and they're still considered thrash? I would be hard pressed to come up with one
Are you serious? Maybe you havent listened to enough thrash but just to float a few names out there ... Metallica, Testament, Exodus, Overkill, Heathen, Artillery, Metal Church, Annihilator, Voivod, and shit load of technical thrash bands. And just to make sure we're on the same page, im only talking about the first four Megadeth albums ... because like i said before, i agree with you on them currently being called a "mid-paced" thrash band. Youthanasia and Countdown are mid-paced, not their previous albums. Also, thrash metal doesn't always have to be fast, speed(which plenty of their earlier work has)is not the only thing that defines thrash metal. But just to let some of you guys know, Dave even prided himself on being one of the fastest bands of his time ... he's stated it numerous times in interviews, magazines and documentaries. And as far as "thrashy" goes, no one and i mean absolutely no one did it better they did early on.
Next think i know you guys will say that Kill Em All isn't thrashy or fast.