Controversial opinions on metal

I can read the name. All I said is that every time I read it, it makes me want to pronounce the name like "vuh-void"; because that rolls off the tongue far better than "voy-vod."

And I meant my first comment as a joke that a bunch of you delicate fellows apparently took as a rod of insult up your precious virgin assholes. This is a metal forum. Are we not comfortable with the fact that we listen to bands with dumb fucking names?

You act as though it's just some made up word.

There are plenty of stupid band names to be found outside of metal. To say otherwise is just cultural cringe talking.
All words are made up words. I don't think they just picked letters out of a hat.

Sure there are stupid names outside of metal; but metal names operate within a discursive network of particularly campy signifiers. They're like horror movie titles.
How can Vuh-void be easier to pronounce? It's just a mouth-breathy (Ah --> Uh) dyslexic version of the same thing. That's such a stupid opinion.
All words are made up words. I don't think they just picked letters out of a hat.

Sure there are stupid names outside of metal; but metal names operate within a discursive network of particularly campy signifiers. They're like horror movie titles.

Most words are not "made up" in the sense that I meant: an original coinage not derived from any preexisting lexicon, native or foreign. I don't why you'd think you're being clever by pointing out that all words are technically made up, as if common belief would have it that language is this naturally occurring phenomenon that prehistoric humans learned to harness, like fire.
The name Voivod always reminds me of these:


So metal.
How can Vuh-void be easier to pronounce? It's just a mouth-breathy (Ah --> Uh) dyslexic version of the same thing. That's such a stupid opinion.

Try and pronounce "vuh-void" several times in a row, fast; you can do it, even after the stop at the end of the name. Now, try and pronounce "voy-vod" several times in a row, fast; you can't do it. It starts gravitating toward "vuh-vuh-vuh." Diction favors the former pronunciation.

Most words are not "made up" in the sense that I meant: an original coinage not derived from any preexisting lexicon, native or foreign. I don't why you'd think you're being clever by pointing out that all words are technically made up, as if common belief would have it that language is this naturally occurring phenomenon that prehistoric humans learned to harness, like fire.

Then be specific about what you mean and quit whining. I never said it was a made-up word, nor did I ever insinuate that. I don't know how they got their name, what it means, or where it comes from. All I said is that I hate pronouncing it, and that looking at it sets off a string of associations in my head.


The name Voivod always reminds me of these:


So metal.

Exactly. Very metal.
Try and pronounce "vuh-void" several times in a row, fast; you can do it, even after the stop at the end of the name. Now, try and pronounce "voy-vod" several times in a row, fast; you can't do it. It starts gravitating toward "vuh-vuh-vuh." Diction favors the former pronunciation.

Alright, now you're just being silly. Any person without a speech impediment can say "voy-vod" fast repeatedly.
Never understood the bashing of Pantera's Vulgar Display of Power. Its no CFH, but its still a awesome album.

Yes, Dimebag is extremely over-rated. Yes, Phil's douche-ness is at a all time peak with this album. I get it. But, I still think its a solid slab of tasty riffs and heaviness.
Most of the hate came with the popularity. You know how it is, elitist metal-heads cant respect anything that's even close to being mainstream. But i never understood the logic in that, good music is good music regardless of how popular a band is. Weird thing is, nobody used to trash them back in the early-mid 90's, that all came much later on for some odd reason.

I dig VDoP, but their next two albums are much better IMO.
Theres no way that FBD and GSTk are much better.

For the most part FBD always bored me when I listened to it. Some good moments here and there but I thought the whole thing was pretty forgettable, tbh. Kinda like Reinventing The Steel.
It isn't a popularity thing, I love albums from Slayer, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, etc. but fucking Pantera man...can't do it.
Theres no way that FBD and GSTk are much better.

Not just better, but much better. Maybe you need to listen to those two again, their not even in the same ballpark imo.

It isn't a popularity thing, I love albums from Slayer, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, etc. but fucking Pantera man...can't do it.

Maybe for you it isn't, but to say popularity/going mainstream wasn't one of the main reason is just plain ridiculous. Most of the hate came with their exposure(MTV and local radio alll day long) and continually increasing popularity at the time, that's an undeniable fact.

Just about every good metal band that tried to go mainstream in the 90's were basically frowned upon by most fans.

The first four tracks alone kill Vulgar, + Slaughtered, Shedding Skin and fucking Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks??? Their best album by far.
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The first 4 Pantera albums with Anselmo are great (starting with Power Metal, you fucks). I don't spin GSTK or RTS much but there are fantastic songs on each record.

CFH will always remain my favorite from the band. In fact, I think it's one of the greatest metal albums ever

I do prefer FBD over VDoP, but everyone here thinks my opinion sucks because I don't discard bands who are mainstream so who cares?

Also, the fact that Metal Sucks rated Pantera over Judas Priest is garbage.
For the most part FBD always bored me when I listened to it. Some good moments here and there but I thought the whole thing was pretty forgettable, tbh. Kinda like Reinventing The Steel.

Reinventing the Steel always gets dismissed, but I think it's pretty underrated. It's got a lot of heavy-ass riffs, Phil's tough-guy persona is toned down a bit compared to other post-Cowboys albums, and Dimebag's solos aren't as obnoxious as usual. Personally my favorite post-Cowboys.
Not just better, but much better. Maybe you need to listen to those two again, their not even in the same ballpark imo.

Just about every good metal band that tried to go mainstream in the 90's were basically frowned upon by most fans.
The first four tracks alone kill Vulgar, + Slaughtered, Shedding Skin and fucking Hard Lines, Sunken Cheeks??? Their best album by far.

I'll give FBD another shot. One album today was enough, but ill listen to it soon.

What other 90's metal bands tried to go mainstream? I dont see how Pantera tried to go mainstream. I thought they just always were mainstream.

The first 4 Pantera albums with Anselmo are great (starting with Power Metal, you fucks). I don't spin GSTK or RTS much but there are fantastic songs on each record.

CFH will always remain my favorite from the band. In fact, I think it's one of the greatest metal albums ever

I do prefer FBD over VDoP, but everyone here thinks my opinion sucks because I don't discard bands who are mainstream so who cares?

I honestly havent listened to anything prior to CFH.

I agree CFH is their best, but its kind of a given...Nothing theyve done before or after comes close.

I cant speak for everyone else, but I discard your opinion because you hate Crystal Logic. :p

Last point, I prefer Down over Pantera. The only reason I listen to Pantera every now and again is strictly for nostalgic reasons. One of the first bands that got me into heavy music.
Also, the fact that Metal Sucks rated Pantera over Judas Priest is garbage.

Yeah, that's fucked up. I don't hate Pantera, and I respect their catalog and 'legacy'. I just don't listen to them much. VDoP was one of my intro to metal albums and I still adore it. They've got a good chunk of heavy, well written songs and I give no fucks how popular they were/are. They just wrote average to great metal tunes and you can't knock that.

I've never cared about popularity. I like what I like. Old to mid era Cradle, old Dimmu, Slipknots first 2, Metallica's first 4, Danzig, Machine Head, Coal Chamber, etc. I don't typically bring that stuff up here simply because this board is better suited to the extreme, very underground, kvlt variety. But fuck who says what, listen to what you like. I couldn't imagine listening to only Darkthrone and Suffocation everyday.

The great thing about all (at least, a large portion of) fans of extreme metal is, in reality, we are all much more open minded and willing to at least try something before immediate judgent is passed. We all just know what we like and won't fuck around with what we don't.