Controversial opinions on metal

Not necessarily metal but I realized I kinda hate Rush, can't stand the guy's voice. Tom Sawyer was a kickass song and I'm sure a few others as well, but nahh. Not for me. Overrated.
There is not one thing over rated about Rush. Phenomenal band worth each bit of over the top fan boi praise.

Been a long time since I've listened to Dream Theater but I really liked A Change of Seasons.
Figures the two of you wouldn't like the new Revocation.
Why us 2?

It's just a crap album. Its like a phoned in Lamb of God on cheap steroids mixed with some shit ass mallcore tainted version of At The Gates

Top that with the quality of their previous efforts and how could one enjoy it? I'd have liked it when I was 14, maybe. But no, not now. Not in my more enlightened and experienced state. Not as a matured fan of metal. Nope. Gay.
I just listened to some of While Heaven Wept-"Suspended at Aphelion", and its so fucking gay. Wtf happened to them?*

Ya, this album was a huge disappointment. They decided to make a rock album with bits of metal thrown in.

Never really got the hype with them tbh. I mean, I understand why it happened from the perspective of the retro thing being big and since they had a few influences less common in retro metal, but overall everything I've heard from them seemed pretty bland.

Did you listen to Vast Oceans Lachrymose? That was an amazing album.
Not necessarily metal but I realized I kinda hate Rush, can't stand the guy's voice. Tom Sawyer was a kickass song and I'm sure a few others as well, but nahh. Not for me. Overrated.

Rush has a lot of kickass songs; yeah Geddy Lee has an annoying voice but you have to look past it.

Also, people like Dream Theater? :yuk::ill:
Rush has a lot of kickass songs; yeah Geddy Lee has an annoying voice but you have to look past it.

Also, people like Dream Theater? :yuk::ill:

'Looking past' crucial parts of a band's sound isn't something I can do. His voice really works in a few songs, which is why I finally gave the high-acclaimed Moving Pictures a try, but I was drastically disappointed with how not mind blowing that album was. Less than halfway through I was sick of his voice.

Also yeah, Rush and Led Zeppelin are kinda totally different and I also find LZ overrated/awful. I thought Immigrant Song and Kashmir were sweet though.
Hurr durr let's call Pink Floyd and Deep Purple overrated and just finish this autism roll this thread is on. Hell throw Judas Priest in there too. That ones a gigantic auto cringe for me too.

You know what? Music is overrated. Mastvrbation forever.
Hurr durr let's call Pink Floyd and Deep Purple overrated and just finish this autism roll this thread is on. Hell throw Judas Priest in there too. That ones a gigantic auto cringe for me too.

You know what? Music is overrated. Mastvrbation forever.

Is it controversial (since apparently we're not talking about metal anymore) to think Radiohead is awesome? Because they are.