Controversial opinions on metal

The Bends and OK Computer are both fantastic, though I tend to spend more time on the albums after them, since challenging/weird/avant-garde stuff usually grabs my attention. Not that the two "rock" albums aren't quite experimental and original.

It's just an amazing run of albums from The Bends through In Rainbows (I like the most recent but it is a little bit of a drop-off). Pretty rare to see a band release six top-notch albums all in a row. Though speaking of Pink Floyd . . .
Hurr durr let's call Pink Floyd and Deep Purple overrated and just finish this autism roll this thread is on. Hell throw Judas Priest in there too. That ones a gigantic auto cringe for me too.

You know what? Music is overrated. Mastvrbation forever.

:lol: man, some of your posts are fuckin' golden!

But i also find Led Zeppelin to be extremely overrated ... same goes for Priest ;)
Meh, Radiohead. Not my bag, baby, not my bag at all. I liked Northern King's cover of Creep better than the original... And it's fuckin Northern Kings.

Truth be told that and a handful of songs my friends have played are all I know by Radiohead but they just have this general vibe of 'young adult gay guy' that I can't get past.
What? Are you, by chance, a closet homo and battle it by bashing guys you secretly wanna bang?

Radiohead is fucking amazing. The Bends is a classic, and OK Computer deserves every bit of praise it gets. That's the end of this topic. :-D
Radiohead is one of those bands I never really gave a proper chance. I'll listen to The Bends and report back after I've absorbed it decently.
Train of Thought is shit. With that one and Six Degrees, Dream Theater hit bottom.

Rush is great, but 2112 the song is pretty overrated. Pretty disjointed stuff, and far behind what other prog bands were doing earlier.
Radiohead is fucking amazing. The Bends is a classic, and OK Computer deserves every bit of praise it gets. That's the end of this topic. :-D

Agreed. I remember winning the Bends CD in some competition years ago and thinking meh after a listen or two, but then it really grew on me and I rate it super high now. OK Computer's also great in a different way; much more emotional and less rock. The last song The Tourist still gives me goosebumps. And seeing them live playing these 2 albums - brilliant.
What? Are you, by chance, a closet homo and battle it by bashing guys you secretly wanna bang?

Radiohead is fucking amazing. The Bends is a classic, and OK Computer deserves every bit of praise it gets. That's the end of this topic. :-D

Yes. Big homo with a big floppy penis made of sunshine.

I'll give that album a listen but I'm not sure I'm gonna like it. I hope I do.
Again, Six Degrees is my favorite. The songs just sound good to me. It's what I want from DT. I like I&W as well. Never understood the accolades for Scenes from a Memory. THat one, Train of Thought, and Systematic Chaos are their worst. Awake is OK. Falling into Infinity is better than many give it credit for. Dramatic Turn is OK.
Dream Theater probably rules in some alternate universe where they never decided to write masturbatory prog metal.
No additional attention towards Change of Seasons?

That EP is fucking solid. Granted, half of it isnt their material, but Covers of Elton John, Zepplin, Deep purple, and cannot forget The Big Medley with Kansas, Pink Floyd, Queen, Journey and Genesis all in one song. The transitions from one to another, and the sheer musicianship shown especially on that song, earned my respect.