Controversial opinions on metal

Let's not talk about them anymore. Let's talk Danzig. I approve of and openly push every Danzig album except for 5 and 6:66, and 7 is iffy on a couple songs. Otherwise I love the entire Danzig catalog. Any others?
I love the Misfits as much or more than the next guy. I love Samhain, too. But Danzig is where he truly hit a stride of originality and darkness that few attain. Danzig II is a near perfect album (Killer Wolf being the only downside of the album), and you can't deny the pipes that dude has.
Agreed, Danzig is definitely my favorite of his projects. Controversially, I have yet to hear a Misfits song I like. Its a pretty large leap from punk to the more rock style and I don't dig much punk.
The first Danzig album is my fave. Minimal evil rock perfection.

Never got into The Misfits. They sound like a huge mess.

Also, Radiohead are amazing. I got into them when they released The Bends and have loved everything they've done since. It's not often that a band can stay inspired and release quality for so long.
I love the Misfits as much or more than the next guy. I love Samhain, too. But Danzig is where he truly hit a stride of originality and darkness that few attain. Danzig II is a near perfect album (Killer Wolf being the only downside of the album), and you can't deny the pipes that dude has.

Dude, there is no convincing me that he made a good decision and contributed something constructive to the music scene with Danzig. And "hit a stride of originality and darkness that few attain."????? Get the fuck out with that nonsense.

His vocal range and style fit The Misfits WAY better than Danzig. Never heard Samhain so I cant say there, but Danzig seems like a joke band to me. Where its so fucking awful and over the top, I cant help but point, laugh, and turn it off. (Or throw something at him for being a complete jerk off but thats a different discussion.)
I know what you mean but I don't mind the song. I'd pick "Girl" (the second last song) as the worst - nothing special going on there.
I like that song quite a bit, myself.
Dude, there is no convincing me that he made a good decision and contributed something constructive to the music scene with Danzig. And "hit a stride of originality and darkness that few attain."????? Get the fuck out with that nonsense.

His vocal range and style fit The Misfits WAY better than Danzig. Never heard Samhain so I cant say there, but Danzig seems like a joke band to me. Where its so fucking awful and over the top, I cant help but point, laugh, and turn it off. (Or throw something at him for being a complete jerk off but thats a different discussion.)
Have you ever listened to Danzig? What else sounds like that? There's elements of a lot of styles, but its a beast of its own. And Danzig is dark as fuck. There's often the same vibe as black metal while being nothing sonically close to that.

And what's jokey about? The first track of the first Danzig is about murder and giving in to fucking Satan.