Controversial opinions on metal

Radiohead sucks and not sure why they're even being mentioned in this thread, not metal. Can't stand the guy's whiny voice. The music is boring background college rock.

Dream Theater is a far better band musically, not a huge fan of the singer's voice either but at least he has a wide range. Changes of Seasons, I&W, Awake, Train of Thought are their best albums. They're actually metal at some points and deserve more credit than they get.
Doesn't make you a better poster yourself.


I've never listened to radiohead, like, ever. I bought the last two Dream Theater albums because Walmart had them. They were fairly entertaining. Thought the s/t was a particularly interesting. Haven't given their back catalog much of a look.
Did anyone else dislike King Diamond their first time listening? Dig it now but I was introducing someone and they hated the weird child's choir style vocals in some tracks. I remember feeling the same way, and maybe its not controversial, but that shit is pretty odd. Definitely needs to grow on you.
@ITP: That was actually one of the examples I had in mind. Schuldiner takes shit for his vocals on TSoP, but I don't see how one can have an issue with them and yet like Halford. Schuldiner practically parodies Halford yet does a better job.
King Diamond's Abigail has some of the absolute best guitar work I've ever heard. Just riff after tasty riff, brilliant leads, tight songwriting...but it took me a while to get past KD's vocals. I'm just not a fan. I respect his lyrical prowess, I see what he's going for with the very theatrical style, and I've got nothing but respect for the guy, but I can't help feeling that I would enjoy Abigail far more if, say, HotMK-era Jon Oliva did the vocals.

And i cant really listen to king diamond. I respect them but king's highs just become too much.

Whats yuck about it? the instruments are played far better and Schuldiners highs crush halfords with ease. Unlike other covers it doesn't sound exactly the same as the original, you can still tell its by Death and thats a sign of a great cover.
Except the original puts it to shame.

Death at the end of their existence < fist pumping fucking heavy metal
Good Christ y'all are gay. King Diamond is great. I love almost everything they/he's done. Melissa, Abigail, The Eye, and Them are some of my absolute favorite albums. Guitar work is nuts, Andy LaRoque is a god damned beast. Kings vocals are the tits. And Mickey Dee behind the kit was just awe worthy. So fun.