Controversial opinions on metal

Seriously dude if you can't say it fast repeatedly there's something wrong. Voy-vod rolls off the tongue just fine.
The Pantera hate is definitely related to the popularity. The thing about it is that they killed their own legacy in a way. If back in the day Phil hadn't gone around saying "we're the kings of metal" in every interview and onstage at every show maybe they wouldn't get so much hate today. That shit gets old real fast, even if you're a fan of the band. Slipknot did the same thing years ago. Other bands have as well. It's one thing to be proud of your music but claims of superiority should be held only by bands with a real legacy like Maiden for example There were and are far better bands than Pantera that act much more humbly.
I loved VDoP when it came out, as did pretty much everyone I knew who liked metal. They nailed a new sound for that time.
I'm going to remember this, and if we ever meet in person I'm going to make you do it.


And you will like it. "Oh, you think you cool, bitch? Let's see you VOY-VOD."

Say Black Sabbath a bunch of times really fast without spitting everywhere you stupid arbitrary-criteria-generating fuck.
"Mystification" is the best thing Manilla Road has done besides "Crystal Logic." Yes, that means it's better than "Open the Gates" and "The Deluge." Is this even controversial?
Mystification is one of those albums that I never even know exists until I look up a discography list and am surprised to see that it actually has a decent reputation. Like Obituary's The End and King Crimson's Starless & Bible Black.

I haven't heard one song from it, but I've seen it described as thrashy, so if it's remotely like Out of the Abyss I'm sure it's complete shit.
Same here. I've only heard a couple random songs and wasn't impressed, but as we all know sometimes full albums heard repeatedly is the key to understanding or enjoying a band. Maybe they are better than I assume
Most of the hate came with the popularity. You know how it is, elitist metal-heads cant respect anything that's even close to being mainstream. But i never understood the logic in that, good music is good music regardless of how popular a band is. Weird thing is, nobody used to trash them back in the early-mid 90's, that all came much later on for some odd reason.

I dig VDoP, but their next two albums are much better IMO.

Shit music is still shit music regardless of how popular the band is.
I just listened to some of While Heaven Wept-"Suspended at Aphelion", and its so fucking gay. Wtf happened to them?*

Never really got the hype with them tbh. I mean, I understand why it happened from the perspective of the retro thing being big and since they had a few influences less common in retro metal, but overall everything I've heard from them seemed pretty bland.
I've liked every WHW album to some degree, the older ones more so but the newer ones are okay. Older albums are traditional doom metal kind of on the side of Warning.