Controversial opinions on metal

Tool got more boring with every album. Undertow and the second one (can never remember if Aenima or Lateralus came second) are good tho.

I cant stand behind that. Lateralus is a damn fine album. In my opinion its their greatest work. Aenima is a close second. Undertow and 10,000 Days for most part go unlistened to for me, other than a select few songs on each.
Tool is one of those bands where their sound is just annoying to me, man. Their sound may not be Dream Theater or Opeth levels of masturbatory, but the whole "groovy tom-rolls juxtaposed against oddly timed riffs" sound is enough to fill me with both disappointment and regret (not just one, both).

Admittedly I enjoy a couple songs (Stinkfist and Intermission/Jimmy), but that doesn't save the (quite frankly, aptly named) band. The two songs are guilty pleasures for me, if anything.

Not to mention Maynard's vocals are grating.
LOL! Are you serious? You obviously dont know how this forum works, and being that youre like a veteran of this place that "owns my ass", I figured youd know.

If Butt thought I was being a dick, hes a big boy and could tell me himself. Theres no need for your machismo to intervene. But knowing that hes not a faggot and can take harmless shit talking, I didnt think twice of it because its poking fun.

But just for you, from this point on Ill make sure to use my smile emoji icons when I make a post that doesnt involve you at all, but still could hurt your feelings, just so you know everything is kewl. K?

ha, yea...i really get my feelings hurt when you're a dick to other people. Post as you wish. You're getting an crude, crass and annoying as that other hyperactive dude, forgot his name...

All I'm getting at, really, is that your posts (even the one I'm quoting here) give off the impression that you're 12 years old. Take that as you will and carry on.
He wasn't being a dick though. As he said, he was poking fun because he knew I would recognize he was poking fun.

You're just sorta looking for an argument where none existed.
Maynard would even go as far as to position himself in a way onstage to try and minimize the amount of musical interference from his bandmates gear coming in contact with his microphone. Which more often than not meant taking the spot light off himself, whos the main focus of the band, to concentrate solely on the music itself. I highly respect that detail of care to their musicianship.

Is that why he does it? I always assumed he was just a pretentious fuckin weirdo because he always came across as that kind of dude.

Also no hate for Tool, some love for a few tracks. It'd be nice if every song didn't start the same.
Thats not how it came across to me. Maybe I have Tool fanboi tunnel vision goggles on, but their stage performance isnt what draws you to their live show. Theyre all pretty to themselves when they play live, not just Maynard. And yeah, theyre all fuckin weird, definitely no denying that.

But I honestly dont think it is an act of pretentiousness because to me, it was a message to not focus on them, rather to focus on the music and the atmosphere they create in that setting.

And they fucking killed it.
And just to get us on a different topic, just saw this in Albums Kicking Your Ass Thread and was gonna comment, but figured id bring it here...

Once Sent From The Golden Hall is Amon Amarth's best album. With Odin is a immediate runner up, but OSFtGH is untouchable.
Thats not how it came across to me. Maybe I have Tool fanboi tunnel vision goggles on, but their stage performance isnt what draws you to their live show. Theyre all pretty to themselves when they play live, not just Maynard. And yeah, theyre all fuckin weird, definitely no denying that.

But I honestly dont think it is an act of pretentiousness because to me, it was a message to not focus on them, rather to focus on the music and the atmosphere they create in that setting.

And they fucking killed it.
He's also had a long history of smack use. Whether or not he admits it isn't important, you can tell. Heroin tends to make you act odd on stage. Trust me.
I seriously doubt he could keep his composure and hit those notes live, if he strung out on heroin...Acid I could understand, especially given how he used to act on stage 20 years ago...

For example:
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I seriously doubt he could keep his composure and hit those notes live, if he strung out on heroin...Acid I could understand, especially given how he used to act on stage 20 years ago...

For example:

Being on smack doesn't mean you can't sing. By that logic Layne Staley, Axl Rose, Chris Cornell, and Andrew Wood couldn't sing like that either.
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And just to get us on a different topic, just saw this in Albums Kicking Your Ass Thread and was gonna comment, but figured id bring it here...

Once Sent From The Golden Hall is Amon Amarth's best album. With Odin is a immediate runner up, but OSFtGH is untouchable.

Yes. A lot of people don't realize this.

The Crusher and Versus the World are also essential AA. The Avenger, Fate of Norns, and everything after With Oden can be skipped.
Being on smack doesn't mean you can't sing. By that logic Layne Staley, Axl Rose, Chris Cornell, and Andrew Wood couldn't sing like that either.

I always thought heroin put you in a state of potato like apathy? Didnt think that tasks that require attention to detail and skill would be possible, but then again, never done it and never will.

Yes. A lot of people don't realize this.

The Crusher and Versus the World are also essential AA. The Avenger, Fate of Norns, and everything after With Oden can be skipped.

I personally cant toss out The Avenger, there are some bangers on that album. God, his son, and holy whore? Last With Pagan Blood? So good. I agree with the rest of those albums being thrown in the toilet, though.

The Crusher was a personal favorite of mine as well, its just inconsistent. Some really good tracks on it, but some really forgettable ones as well.
Problem with AA's 3 last albums is that yes they have some good songs (Twilight of the Thundergod: Free Will Sacrifice, Tattered Banners and Bloody Flags, Live For the Kill and (more for the atmosphere in it) Embrace of the Endless Ocean. Surtur Rising: War of the Gods, Slaves of Fear, Live Without Regrets and For Victory or Death. Deceiver of Gods: Deceiver of Gods, Father of the Wolf and Under Siege) but overall the records doesn't do it.