Controversial opinions on metal

I had The Age of Nero stuck inside my truck's CD player for about a year so I had to listen to that album OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. I've grown fond of it, but I don't know if it's because I was brainwashed or if it's actually good.
Depends on how long they were drinking. I could probably do 14 beers and half a bottle of whiskey if I started drinking at 11:00. We do similar amounts at MDF every year. Each day we stock up on like 4 cases of Natty Boh and by the end of the night they are completely gone.

I got a picture of the Beeramyid to prove it.

Less than 24 hours til a new one begins homeboy.
They're not that interesting a band really. None of their albums are really must haves and some are total shit.
16 beers and half a bottle of whiskey. Unless he was under the influence of a large amount of methamphetamine at the same time.

Yeah, seriously, a half a bottle of whiskey is a lot even for most alcoholics. 16 beers, whiskey, and he still remembers getting his dick sucked to a specific song? Bull fucking shit.
I'm a lightweight and I've made it through half a bottle of whiskey before blacking out. No beer though and I couldn't remember my dick getting sucked at all.
Yeah, seriously, a half a bottle of whiskey is a lot even for most alcoholics. 16 beers, whiskey, and he still remembers getting his dick sucked to a specific song? Bull fucking shit.

As I said, it was over the span of roughly fourteen hours so believe what you will. I don't have to prove it to anyone. :lol:

Also it was to an entire album :v [/nitpick]
16 beers + a half a bottle of whiskey over 14 hours is totally possible, especially if you go hard at the beginning, then mellow out over the course of the next 10 hours and drink enough water.
They're shit for metalcore. Obnoxious prog metal with breakdowns and shitty vox. I'd take pretty much any other kind of metalcore over their type of metalcore.

EDIT: Well, regarding Colors at least. Their earlier stuff might be better.
I'm listening to that song right now and it's hilarious that the Metal-Archives people deleted them. The first minute and a half couldn't sound more like Dream Theater if they tried. This song actually sounds OK. Well, the first half was. Gets limp-wristed after that.