Controversial opinions on metal

Goddamn. I've seen potatoes with more intellectual capacity. "Oh no it doesn't have groove! This makes me uneasy!"

Facepalm count: 1000.

It's more "Oh no, overlong 'metal' relying on little more than fancy pedal effects and a contrived sense of build and resolution!"
Against Nature rules. I knew I liked this fucker. Sup dude. My new favorite UM poster with good taste.

And Post-Metal is gay. Heavy Metal Vomit Party Drink a Thousand Beers or bust!
Im enjoying his presence as well. As soon as I saw the Gehennah avatar I was thinking "we will likely get along."

Now, all that is to be seen:
Do you like Beherit?
Hammers of Misfortune (pretty obvious one but included just in case)
Crowned In Earth (can't speak to the newest record's quality but old material is great)
Garden of Worm (newest record is quite phenomenal)
Against Nature (quality/style varies greatly between releases so don't judge broadly after first listen)
Cave of Swimmers (interesting stuff)
Morbus Chron (specifically the Sweven record, this left a mark on me)
OverSoul (very 90's Doom-esque heartfelt stuff)
Black Hole (maybe an obvious one?)
Cassle (80's cult classic)

There's a ton more (recommendation overkill tends to be counterproductive) but this is a rough version of what I'm listening to right now in the Progressive Metal realm.

Oh and hail Beherit!
Never understood the hype around hammers

I like against nature, but accumulus is the only one id say is essential.

For truly progressive music see In the Woods... or Ne Obliviscaris
:lol: fucking hipsters. Jesus christ.

Or, he more likely meant that he knew the obvious shit that everyone would recommend. Have you heard of this band named Opeth?

Symphony X and While Heaven Wept have whiny vocalists?

Kinda, yeah.

Speaking of WHW, the rest of their albums verge from good to great, but their last album was fucking awful.